


Bella's Lullaby River Flows In You - Yiruma
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    October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 December 2008

    designer: darkdegree
    partofthecodes: detonatedlove
    images: moargh
    textues: peachinparis
    icons: threemoresteps

    Friday, November 30, 2007
    / 1:36 PM

    haha not been posting long huh! anyways, just a few things to make my day! (:

    1. enchanted at 4
    2. phone bill less than 40
    3. tmr is the 1st
    4. 3 days, class BBQ
    5. 13 days, <3

    thats all! hehe whee!

    Thursday, November 22, 2007
    back from HK / 10:56 PM


    is it just a coincidence that when I've come back, everyone decides to leave. =( saddened by that. haiz... missing people now. can't message ANYONE!!! x( freaking bored at home. ah wells. BOUGHT LOADS OF STUFF FROM HK!!! (: going to wear all of my accesories to mingyangs wedding. hehe(:

    SHALL POST PICURES... sometime soon ;)



    Thursday, November 15, 2007
    / 9:28 PM

    i seem to be strangely addicted to watching nostalgic movies. especially titanic. which has special meaning for wifey (;

    today had mass dance!!! lol i was like the only one that got most of the moves. as in between me+hussy+wifey+nana. ros didn't do it because she was on photography duty =.- it was pretty shocking at first because expected something more... gay. it should soo have partnerships then can goof around. besides, everyone won't be watching you alone. hehe and aren't i a darn good navigator? (; <<(this only applies to today and to wifey) anyway, people are sian... so am I... so i shall do a QUIZ!!! :D

    1. Name one person who always texts you.
    Andre. Oo, not surprising anyway.
    2. Do you think some people are born stupid??
    YES! Just like how some people are born to NOT take in hints.
    3. Name one negative thing about you?
    Rejector. Mainly.
    4. Status?
    Erm, taken! By more than one person too.
    5 . What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
    Eating my dinner and watching Titanic.
    6. Sports you want to learn?
    Figure Skating(never going to happen), Cheerleading.
    7. Ever tried gymnastics?
    Yup. More than one failure too. =x
    8. What was the last thing you bought?
    Tickets to the Fuji Ice Skating Rink. hehe.
    9. Do you talk a lot?
    Yup. But hussy can out-talk me anyday.
    10. Do you believe that love is blind?
    Maybe. But from what I know, it opens your eyes way too wide so you can see everything too.
    11. Where is your brother?
    None. (: Unless you count my extended family, then at home. At their home.
    12.How was your day yesterday?
    If you count running away from "a deranged woman holding a pipa in one hand, a camera around her neck and a flyer in the other hand", SUPER FUN! the rest of the day was just disturbing.
    13. What is the last ice cream flavor you had?
    Dunno. I think Macademia Vanilla.
    14 . Are you an optimistic one?
    50% Optimist, 50% Realist.
    15 . People describe you as...
    Crazy... yeah just that.
    16. Contented in life?
    Quite. But of course, a girl could always ask for more.
    17. What was the last thing you bought?
    oO. didn't i just answer that? look at number 8
    18. Are you happy with the love of your life?
    Ehhem. People dont take hints.
    19 . Do you skip meals?
    Nowadays, I seem to have the habit of skipping lunch just because I dont have any money now.
    20 . Do you consider yourself smart?
    Never once!
    21. What color is your gate?
    Turquiose. ;D
    22 . Reason for living?
    Very good question.
    23. Are you typically a jolly person?
    Jolly is what I would call a fat man in a red jumpsuit.
    24 . Name one enemy of yours.
    I have no idea.
    25 . Name one close girl friend.
    Hussy! :D
    26. Now, who's the first person in your mind?
    Myself. ^^
    27. What did the last text message you received say?
    "Do you know the relation between your eyes? ... ... And no, this aint a chain letter, you should know whether you want to share this with your friends"
    2 8. Do you go to the gym?
    Haha nope! No discipline.
    29 . Song playing at the moment.
    No Song. Listening to News 5 Tonight.
    30 . How do you cope with stress?
    Cry. Sleep. Sleep.
    31 . Ever broken someone's heart?
    Err... is the most recent one considered?
    32 . What makes you happy?
    My girlfriends! AND playgrounds.
    33 . What is the last thing you said aloud?
    34. How much is your tuition fee?
    I have no idea.
    36. last person u texted?
    Andre lor.
    37 . last thing you ate?
    Big juicy home-cooked steak. With Rice! (: and milo just only.
    38. ever made someone cry?
    Of course. Who hasn't?
    39. do u drink any alcohol beverages?
    Not frequently. But I do try some when I get the chance to.
    40 . favorite song when you're drunk?
    I've never gotten drunk, but judging from past experiences, I would guess if there's an umbrella nearby... (flashback to physics lab and tony's unbrella)

    Wednesday, November 14, 2007
    / 9:56 PM

    hehe today games day rocked!!! it was funner than expected hehe! (: especially running from "a deranged woman with a pipa in one hand, a camera around her neck and a flyer in the other hand". and finally showed wifey my crisis lock down mode. bleh!

    AND NOBEL WON CHEER!!! well technically Fibo won, but it was expected. the real competition was with the other house and WE WON!!! mwahaha. then was the match finale! fara against fibo. i think because of todya FIBO won by 3 points!!! anyways, congrats to Fibonaccis (: for Faradians, tough luck. AND WE BEAT FLEMING!!! (; nobel rocks.

    an today went to take neos with Wifey+Karyee+Dayna. :D was pretty fun and dayna is SUPER photogenic. mwahaha. and we decorated some awesome neos i must say. HEHE YAY!!! wifey shall help me scan the neos in and i shall post them ASAP. and updated the journey to watch stardust below! read for entertainment. =O haha ok crapping.

    Tuesday, November 13, 2007
    / 9:47 PM


    and me helping with stuff for a change. mwahaha. (: see, i'm sooo good to you. (; but you dont know it yet. dont worry, you will. soo enough.

    ok! today is borringgg... waiting after chinese exam script checking for 4 hours until AMC is borringg! and can make a person like me go NUTS! especially when everyone around you is soo engrossed in their books and laptops. argh! slept for 30 mins and woke up to be bored for another hour or so. then somehow, somewhere managed to occupy myself with sweets and chocolates. and counting the number of "famous" couples in our school. we have a grand total of 17!!! most are from yr 2/3. well, those other ones are like superbly good at hiding their stuff so we dont have that much. but it sure makes a good count for a nerd school right? maybe. dunno!

    then erm AMC was stupidly stupid. it was sooo easy i was doodling on almost every paper i COULD doodle on. plus, erased and doodled all over again. oO that shows how easy it was. ahaha. if this is what they learn in America, TAKE ME THERE TO STUDY!!! that reminds me, chris is there. so maybe wifey should tag along too. hehe(;

    erm then was our journey to catch the movie StarDust. we actually where totally against the clock. it was like the amazing race or something. we wanted to catch the earliest show that was available and it was at Beach Road. It was at 2.50 and we were basically out of the school by 2. and we wanted to take 196 all the way to Suntec and then from there cross over to Beach Road which was opposite. so we managed to catch 196 the moment we were out the gate. and we took it all the way to Suntec. and we reached like at 2.55?! there was this overhead bridge which led us to suntec. THE RIGHT WAY was to walk straight towards the crossing and cross to the other side. AH!!! but instead we went up towards suntec. BLEH! but anyways we were too late so we decided to go for the Eng Wah one at suntec which was at 4.30?! then bored people waited and played Brick Breaker till level 10 and bought nana's supergirl present (: finally we got to see Stardust and ROBERT DINERO IS MY IDOL!!! shall not give away anything just yet, but you should really go see it as a couple. and i shall end my story here (; kudos to chian for running up the overhead bridge first! she is truly amazing!

    right now i have a crisis. and it isn't going away anytime soon.

    Monday, November 12, 2007
    / 7:42 PM

    today had ups and downs.



    I LOVE LOKE!!!


    ok anyways, loads happened today. you could say that it was one of the most interesting days in the history of my life in this god-forsaken school. GOT A GLIMPSE OF NANA's NEW PHONE! and it rocks too! that emo girl got it in black. and flag raising was sorta normal. being scolded, blah blah blah.

    ahaha. ENGLISH WAS THE MOTHER OF ALL STARTERS!!! especially with that year 3 teacher screaming at both us and the year 3s. that was super hilarious. we were separated from the year threes by the partition and so we ended up in the lower auid and they the upper audi. naturally you must have to have two mikes linked to different audio systems. one for the lower, one for the upper. but turns out that the mike the year threes were using was connected throughout the whole auditorium. and well, ms sim got pwned. seriously! AND I JUMPED! because his mike was loud. WAY LOUD!

    maths was [...] firstly because for the first 30mins i was thinking that the paper was coordinate. secondly because I can upgrade to the next grade with ONE MARK!!! mother mother mother mother.....

    chem was considerably ok... haha. i love our level!
    imbufe:"this is the last glimpse of me for this year"
    ros:"is he going to turn off the lights?"

    AND RCKS ROCKS! mwahaha, we owned practically every high scorer in almost every class. except 04+05. mwahaha! thanks loads KS!

    anyways, slacked until photo-taking. then erm, ourwifey's leon(or someone) impossibly cracked a bench right down the center. =O we were about to take our first shot and leon was *ahhem* standing on the bench and we heard a loud noise. look back and everyone is getting off the bench screaming the bench is cracked. anyways, our photos are going to look super weird/spastic/201. and got to take a class picture with ster yee. lol that was much more fun! xD and we were also trying to make serene look at us while the camera flashed. didn't work though. boo.

    Sereness Changhandium Vulgaritus P[...] BianTainess.... xDDD

    then came along HISTORY! four words to say. I LOVE LOKE MAN!

    and finally we got back our other 2 math papers. MOTHER!!! Nana got full marks for matrices. BLEH! 40/40?! ok, imbufe can jump off the building now. and annabeth, YOU DID NOT FREAKING FAIL ENGLISH OK??!! WE FAILED!!! and i most likely got a B- for physics. high b-, low b. WHY ME?! haha, nana is going to be a babysitter this coming thursday and friday. hehe! (; SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHoun...
    will be soo proud of you!

    watching street soccer is fun. learning street soccer moves isn't. =x

    good luck for chinese! hope i get at least an A.

    (like thats ever going to happen)

    and I shall leave you with this picture to cheer you guys up! but it'll probably cost me my life. so see ya! (:

    Friday, November 9, 2007
    / 1:26 PM

    class photo taking in the lower audi. in formal. on monday. ZzZzZz... bleh.
    american mathematics competition in the audi. bring pencils+erasers+calcs. on tuesday. bleh. ZzZzZz...

    and that thing that hussy has going on is seriously going overboard. ><

    anyways, just sent coco for grooming! (: tonight she's coming home bald. AH! well, the weathers so hot anyway so i guess it'll be better for her. (:

    haha people are interestingly interesting. oO haha i make no sense at all.

    Thursday, November 8, 2007
    / 10:45 PM

    Happy Birthday To Jaydon!

    Our newest addition to the family. HE IS SOOO CUTE!!! OK, what am I saying? all babies are cute. and this one is exactly 12 hours old. He has the biggest eyes ever!!! and he looks more like his father, Jason. AH! I wanna hug him!!! haha, ok baby obessed. shall post pictures!!! (;

    Wednesday, November 7, 2007
    tiring! / 9:44 PM

    ah, today was one of those tiring days. (: tiring but enjoyable!

    haha, couldn't rant. didn't dare to. =x
    and stupid extra people made the day so much more sian.
    ah wells! people are naive in neoprint booths (;
    people were on the wrong side! haha. that was funny to see.

    "wrong side lar!"
    "how i know?! you go that way, then i just go here lah!"

    *me laughing at the back*

    and people invading privacy everywhere! guys are evil. and I so agree on the 4 people thing. ahaha. (: but it will be SOOOO darn expensive because it's just us. Oo. i shall fight for my right for the bigger room! xD

    Tuesday, November 6, 2007
    envious of other classes / 10:52 PM

    AH! i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking envious of other classes. they have like super duper uber nice class pictures! like 202, 206. ours? yeah, most outstanding and seperated class of the century. ><

    anyways, FREEDOM! mwahaha. end of exams can make you do crazy stuff. like go to vivo without planning. going to see the ever-so-sweet The Game Plan and making you get an unnecessary wedding card for your soon to be married cousin whose girlfriend I have never met before. Oo yeah end of exams can make you go nuts.

    OK, better enjoy your limited freedom. you only have until monday to live it out to the fullest. AH!

    Monday, November 5, 2007
    BIMBO-istic 2 / 8:01 PM

    [x] I love at least one shade of pink. (i love all!)
    [x] I don't like being messy.
    [x] My belongings are organized.
    [ ] I don't like rock music. (classical rock was NICE)
    [ ] I like wearing accessories.
    [ ] Bright colors amaze me. (or blind me)
    [ ] I hate black.
    [ ] I go to the saloon once a week.
    [x] I comb my hair almost all the time.
    [x] I bring my phone with me everywhere.

    add up all your marks and multiply it
    by 10. you are 50% girly.

    [ ] I wear baggy pants.
    [ ] I play video games.
    [x] I listen to boy bands like My
    Chemical Romance, Yellowcard,
    Switchfoot, etc.
    [x] I like wearing jackets with hoods.
    [x] I'm too lazy to do chores.
    [ ] I don't like shopping.
    [ ] I like to go bungee jumping.
    [ ] I like being sweaty.
    [ ] I'm a big fan of marvel heroes.
    [x] I barely wear perfume. (who does?)

    add up all your marks and multiply it
    by 10. you are 40% boyish.

    [ ] I always carry a pen in my purse or pocket.
    [ ] I enjoy studying.
    [x] I wear glasses. (not as if i had a choice...)
    [ ] I'm a straight-A student.
    [x] I've never skipped any class in my whole life. (hehe guai!)
    [ ] I like my shirt tucked in.
    [x] My favorite subject is science. (ANIMALS!)
    [x] I enjoy reading books. (haha, adventures)
    [ ] My assignments are passed up on time. (whoops)
    [ ] I correct people with their grammar. (*ahhem* annabeth *coughs*)

    add up all your marks and multiply it
    by 10. you are 40% nerdy.

    [ ] I love the color black.
    [ ] I always sit at the corner.
    [ ] One side of my hair is covering one of my eyes.
    [ ] I like listening to metal rock music.
    [ ] I have a lot of problems in my life.
    [ ] I'm not much of a loud person.
    [ ] I don't talk much.
    [ ] I don't have that much friends.
    [ ] I barely have fun.
    [ ] I barely go out with my folks or friends.
    add up all your marks and multiply it
    by 10. you are 0% emo.
    oO surprising (:

    [x] I am open to my parents.
    [ ] I sleep with a stuff toy.
    [x] I watch cartoons.
    [ ] I don't like watching horror movies.
    [ ] I sleep with a night light.
    [ ] My parents are the ones who choose my outfit.
    [ ] I'm scared of roller coasters. (love them!)
    [x] I like being with my family relatives.
    [x] I take bubble baths. (is that childish?)
    [ ] I've ran around the house in my underwear.

    add up all your marks and multiply it
    by 10. you are 40% childish
    can match my height!

    1.Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?;
    eww. no one with BO or smelly breath, thats for sure.

    2 . Who do you blame for your mood today?;
    i'm happyyyy:D haha i don't blame anyone:D

    3. Have you ever seen a dead body?;
    do animals count? then yes.

    4. What should we do w/ stupid people?;
    torture them facts and chim terms. (:

    5 . How long do you think you will live?;
    mwahaha. i have no idea. (;

    6. What was the first thing you did this morning?;
    pushed my head back into the pillow.

    7. The color of carpet in your bedroom?;
    no carpet. hate furry carpets. eww.

    8. Last person you went out to dinner with?;
    PARENTS+sis! (: Jacks Place is a family tradition.

    9 . Are you spoiled?;
    mmhmm! why?!

    10. Do you drink lot of water?;
    it goes with anything.

    11. How do you vent your anger?;
    rant on the phone to poor innocent people that pick up. (;

    12. The last compliment you received?;
    lol forgot what it was.

    13. Do you look more like your mother or father?;
    mummy! sis looks like daddy. so we dont look alike.

    14. When was the last time you threw up?;
    seeing a powered piece of INTACT shit sitting in a toilet bowl. the person didn't flush and it was in SCHOOL! URGH!

    17 . What theme does your room have?;
    caramel colours! (:

    18 . Are you a momma's child or a daddy's child?;
    dunno. both!

    19. Would you ever join the military?;
    NOPE! hate hard work.

    20. The last websites you visited?;
    miniclip! bloxorz rocks.

    21. Who was the last person you took a picture with?;
    forgot. maybe hussy?

    22. Last person you went to the movies with?;
    haha ballz of fury! (:

    23. The last person you stared at?;
    er... COCO!

    24. Number of pillows on your bed?;
    1! (: nice one too.

    25. Is anything alive in your room?;
    fungi, moss, algae.

    26. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?;
    urgh neither! going back means have to retake exams. going forward means have to see results! AH!

    27. What is your current goal to achieve?;
    haha, get through tmr.

    28.How do you feel when you see him?;
    er... short?

    29. How long is your hair?;
    shoulder length!

    30. What are your current worries?;
    that my exams will turn out the way i hoped it wont.

    31. Do you have plans for summer?;
    ICESKATING! haha.

    BIMBO-istic. / 7:32 PM

    shall engage myself with a SUPER long quiz because i'm bored. (:

    [ ] my fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
    [x] during the summer pretty much the only shoes i wear are flip flops
    [ ] my favourite toy as a child were barbies
    [ ] my favourite color is purple (haha nope!)
    [x] i did gymnastics (back in the US)
    [x] i like skirts
    [ ] hollister is my favourite place to shop
    [x] tight jeans are the only jeans i wear
    [x] i love chocolate
    [x] i've never had a real job
    [x] my hair is straightened (used to be. does that count?)
    [ ] i have at least 8 friendster pictures
    [x] i usually go shopping once a week
    [x] i love to hang out with friends (:D)
    [ ] i have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
    [ ] i've gone to a tanning salon (eww. fake tans are gross!)
    [ ] i've gone to the beach just to tan
    [ ] i have at least 10 pairs of shoes (almost there!)
    [x] i watch either OC or Laguna Beach. (laguna beach is full of bitches and sluts with very rich dads!)=O
    [ ] i change my icon weekly
    [ ] i wear a shower cap
    [ ] i would never step foot into Hot Topic
    [ ] my cell phone might as well become a part of me
    [ ] i wear mascara everyday
    [ ] i've been on or am on a diet
    [ ] bathing suits are adorable (not for my body. urgh!)
    [ ] i don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat
    [x] big sunglasses are hot
    [x] i have gotten my nails done (yeah once. at the arts fest went to the 06 booth)
    [ ] i own over 10 purses
    [x] MTV is one of my favourite channels
    [ ] all i want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys (i dont have sleepovers) ):
    [x] i love to have other girls do my hair (fun can!)
    [x] i give and receive hugs from all my friends :)
    [ ] i hate bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders (ewww)
    [x] carnivals are so fun!!
    [ ] summer is the best season
    [x] my swimsuit has 2 pieces (but not that sort!)
    [ ] i'm waiting for my knight in shining armour
    [ ] pianists are hot
    [ ] you write me a poem telling me i'm beautiful and i'm all yours (haha, playing hard to get)
    [x] i am self-conscious (i'm vain!)
    [ ] i cry often
    [ ] my car smells like vanilla
    [x] my dishes get washed more than once a week
    [x] i don't do sports (-.-)
    [ ] i HATE to run (not hate. dont prefer)
    [x] i squeal when i'm surprised or angry (:
    [x] i eat dried fruit as a snack (those taste nice!)
    [x] i love romance novels
    [ ] drew barrymore is so cute!!
    [x] i dance a lot (haha proud&ego!)
    [x] i usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
    [ ] i only like have 5 billion hair products
    [x] i love to get dressed up
    [ ] every part of my outfit needs to match
    [ ] i talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
    [x] i would love to have a photoshoot of myself (told ya I was vain!)
    [ ] price on clothes hardly matters
    [ ] i apply lipgloss 50 times a day
    [x] i wish i were a model (a super hot one)
    [ ] i wish i could meet paris hilton to slap her (she's MOI IDOL!)
    [ ] i have been something that was slutty on halloween
    [ ] i own Uggs
    [ ] Hip Hop is the best music
    [ ] i pop my collar (haha tried. doesn't work on me)
    [ ] i like to be the center of attention (i like attention. but not in that sense)
    [x] guys with mohawks are crazy (siao)
    [x] horses are beautiful (love their un-fading elegance)
    [x] i'd rather not pay attention in school (like we all do?)
    [ ] cats are adorable (prefer dogs)
    [ ] i write my own music/song/lyrics (wish I could)
    [x] i would love to visit Hawaii
    [x] Valentine's day is so cute (well.. presents hahahaha)
    [x] white is better than black (sometimes)
    [x] i wouldn't be caught dead in all black (NOT EVER! unless it was for arts fest)
    [x] my closet is STOCK FULL of clothes but i still want more
    [x] i hate the grunge look of a beard (disgusting!)
    [ ] i love to read gossip magazines
    [x] i love to gossip ;)
    [ ] i had lisa frank folders, posters as a kid
    [x] i love celine dion
    [x] my bubble baths are 2hr long :)
    [ ] my wedding only needs a groom 'cause its already been planned (huh?)
    [x] my friends and i are in a strict group. we mostly only hang out with each other
    [x] i like kids (but not brats)
    [ ] diet drinks are the best
    [ ] i'm all about being vegetarian
    [ ] i refuse to eat at mcdonalds
    [ ] i check my friendster everyday
    [x] i LOVE life :D
    [x] i have a lot of jewellery (considering my sis, mmhmm!)
    [ ] claires has cheap jewellery
    [ ] my screen name has x's in them (?)
    [ ] either one of my friendster profile has/had <3 on them (nope. barely use frienster)
    [ ] i would never want to be the opposite sex
    [x] it's not what he/she said, it's the way he/she said it
    [ ] i have more than 3 pillows on my bed (2! including the pooh one)
    [ ] i have a stuffed toy sleeping beside me (my nose is sensitive. so can't have anything furry all day long)
    [x] i love tidy and clean places (always and forever! but my room's a mess!)

    so i'm 43% bimbo-istic. wow. not bad (: HUSSY!!! MUST DO HOR!!!

    the queens-way / 6:34 PM

    hehe math results are out!

    and i can say that I did pretty well, considering my *ahhem* previous CAs. :D happy with myself for CA. not so happy with myself for the exams. surely will die like a wingless bird. or hairy bird, hussy (; a bird with no feathers = hairy bird. oO ok randomness kicking in.

    eating dinner after drinking an iced latte and eating medium fries at macs sure makes me wanna throw up. not saying that the food tastes disgusting or anything but feel super bloated and the dishes are getting cold too. urgh!

    and my parents are super happy with my results! mwahaha! they say if i can achieve their minimum expectations, i will be $40 bucks richer. ;D ok shall chiong for coordinate. and then I think i would have enough $$$ to buy my desired Sony T2 Camera! AHHH!!!! I WANT IT SOOOO BAD!!! Plus, it comes in Hot Pink and Lime Green! Can't resist!!!!! =X

    anyways, today went out with hussy and qindi. at first wanted to take a long long long bus ride to bedok. but in the end decided to drop off at queensway. then took long strolls into shoe shops, envying rich people as they walk pass. and yet again we were ranting and bitching about girls with SUPER RICH bfs and willing to spend whatever it costs to make them happy. ah wells. a girl can only hope. and those girls are SUPER RICH too! which makes the bitching all the more exaggerated.

    after like walking around for dunno how long, we finally went to macs which we were meant to do in the first place. and quote annabeth "students in nush love to play musical chairs!" and so we went jumping from the first table to the next to the next to the final one which we sat down on. then qindi got some stuff stuck on her arm when we sat down at the 3rd one so she had to go to the male toilet because:
    1.the cleaner was cleaning the female one and;
    2. the tap in the female one was jammed.

    so went to buy the mclatte+mcfries+mcflurry+mcflurry. then sat down and ate. then hussy's phone rang and it started a whole chain reaction of phones going off in macs. long story summarised (try to keep up with the acronyms):

    so it was about JQ wanting to find XY. JQ thought we were with XY but we weren't so YC went to tell him to call KL(sharm). JQ called KL but KL didn't answer. JY called JQ and told her a long long story and we were confused. JY called KL few times but KL didn't answer. LY(me) called XY and she picked up. XY said her phone was off so couldn't pick up. XY was also about to call back JY. XY said that SY(ster yee) told her JQ was looking for her. turns out JQ asked SY where XY was. JY called JQ again. XY went to find SY and hung up. JY told JQ to go find XY or SY.

    end of story. (: and that was the SUMMARISED version!

    then ate finished macs, went to do a little more probing around in the stalls. the Salam and Sons shop was quite friendly (: maybe shall go there and get shoes next time! then finally went home. everyone went in the same direction. and we saw this VERY VERY disgusting+irksome sight. dont wanna talk about it. EWW! then we finally seperated ways at the bus station. I went home by bus while the other 2 went home by train.

    AND I SAW 2 BLIND PEOPLE TODAY! that was purely coincidental. one was at the queensway shopping centre. another was a person that i've met a few times. he always takes the 173 bus home. the bus uncles know him quite well. they know where he gets off and stuff. poor things. they seem so helpless. I NEVER WANNA GO BLIND! must eat more carrots! must become a carrot-chewer!

    Saturday, November 3, 2007
    love my new skin (: / 2:09 PM

    mwahaha! love this new skin (: reminds me of my ballerina days, when I used to curtsey before and after the performance. xD i think i looked like the girl in the pic or worse. =O

    yay can't wait for wednesday. haha, want to see people fall flat on their asses. ;D evil moi! and me and hussy can rant all we want! (: well assuming that everyone in question can be there. hmm. i hope so.

    math-->chem-->math-->math-->chem (:

    took this quiz recently. asks you what emotional type you are. and I got earth! as I always do. seems I got an affinity with the character earth or something. but got really close to air too. (:

    Friday, November 2, 2007
    MY PLANETSHAKERS! <3 / 8:16 PM

    it's amazing how cool miniclip can be when you're bored. just tried out this game a few times. quite strategical. pretty fun too!



    ok, though I'm not christian or anything, they seriously make me feel like converting! i wanna go back to their concert!!! AH!!! miss them so!!! love love love love love!!! AH!!! you know i like saw their poster on a billboard in some MRT station. forgot which, but I sooo wanted to go that time!!!



    I feel my heart sing
    His praises, Our Lord and King

    The Wonder, The Majesty
    The King of Glory in

    Every tribe and tongue
    Every land will sing Your praise
    To the end of time
    We'll sing Majesty

    All Majesty
    To the God of Creation
    All Majesty
    God of all generation
    This anthem we sing
    To the God of all nation
    All Majesty
    We sing

    Jump Around;

    Somebody get your praise on

    There is one thing that I know for sure
    How much I love You yet You love me more
    You paid my debt a price I could not pay
    So I will praise You each and every day

    I'm not gonna hold back now
    I think it's time to just get up
    And jump around now

    Everybody jump around
    In the house of God
    Hey, hey jump around
    Everybdy jump around
    In the house of God

    When I say Jesus
    You say praise HIm
    Jesus praise Him
    Jesus praise Him

    There is one thing that I can't ignore
    The power of praising You in one accord
    Our praise goes up, the walls come down
    Listen up people I can hear that sound

    Praise Him, jump jump
    Come on praise Him, jump jump
    Praise Him, jump jump
    Somebody get your praise on

    Somebody get your
    Some-somebody get your praise on

    Thursday, November 1, 2007
    FINALLY! / 9:20 PM

    ahaha! finally the history is over and done with! mwahaha! could say that I can pass but not the way that I would want to. could scratch by a little a hope. ):

    finally. I feel super super free with history out of the way. but the real free day is when we get through script checking. =O and chem results are out! ahaha. i think this is my worst one ever. but expected it. X.x just have to make it up for in the exams i guess.