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    archives and recents

    October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 December 2008

    designer: darkdegree
    partofthecodes: detonatedlove
    images: moargh
    textues: peachinparis
    icons: threemoresteps

    Monday, January 28, 2008
    / 10:04 PM

    today's soccer match was slightly underestimated by me.

    Physics was the usual except for the occasional flying paper bullet and rubber bands. It was darn funny to see ros scrambling to get her RB which was like across the classroom. and Mariel, LOVE your wallpaper. It's so nice!

    English was boring at first but after class discussion, everyone was laughing their asses off. PLUS! ours (ros, mariel, I) was pure ownage.

    After class was brigde, speed and class deco discussion with PHS. I think it'll look awesome! BUT... it'll take a hell lot of time to put it up. Unless everyone can stay up until the wee hours draping and folding everything. Reminds me of the old times. But shan't go there. Haha, Jun Le and his sword sticks.

    Soccer was disappointing and frankly tiring to watch. By middle of second half, I was almost falling asleep. Chian too. But there were sooo many more supporters this time. GO NUSH! I hope we go agaisnt either Hillgrove or Dunearn, then maybe can meet old classmates :D started playing UNO towards the end and when Jurong Ville made a score, everybody was like, "Again? Oh well." So eventually the game was down to 0-8. Hope tmrs NetBall match, we can at least score some points.

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008
    / 8:58 PM

    OK! so the following occured. me and jiayi and wei tieng damn bored so we borrowed cards from timo! then we started to play speed/stress until we were so bored that we were looking for rahul because he had UNO cards. then chian was also playing with us but she had to go off early. and i'm very lazy to type it so basically rahul kept spamming me with cards and we never really got to finish our game :D was fun though!

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008
    / 10:24 PM

    I MISS YEAR 2!!!!!!!
    (not that i find my current class irritating or whatever)

    just that year 2 as a heck of a lot more relaxed and stuff. and i was naive to believe nana saying that "next year got bridging modules! so can slack like siao.". urgh... i wanna stay back a year! (oops)


    i miss wu jiong! now people are starting to realise what a gem he is in class. URGH! and well, my team lost in the drawing finale and we have to lang2du3 on thursday. oh yeah! my shui3bi2 is due tmr at 1. die!


    math was well... math. this year everything is so compact and since they reduced the durations of classes, we have to take a make-up class just because our math periods only add up to 3hrs a week while its 4MCs. urgh! so basically the whole class decided on thursday. which we will still get to see mr chia for 1.5hrs. i feel like screaming my head off!


    well, we stayed back during break and i was rushing off to class at 1015hr only to find out that class only starts at 1030hr YAY ME! xD jean, chian and I were fighting over my new tofu/bread/tortise/dunno what soft squishy cuddly thing! :D and ms kong was funny! ahhem,you DO NOT want to put me and ros together in the same room and draw sick diagrams. and i was talking about the atomic bonding thingy.


    after everything had badminton, captains ball and truth or dare. :DDDDD

    "I wanna play captains ball!"

    "I wanna be captain!"

    "I wanna be captain balls!"


    thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday and for those that made my birthday one truly unforgettable one ;D

    # yi chian! (hussy)
    #andre! (thanks!)
    # leow hui min annabeth carolynn rebecca!
    # xinyi! (wifey)
    # jiayi! (qindi)
    # yueqi! (daughter)
    # karyee! (mei!)
    # wei tieng!
    # dayna! (mei)
    # sharmaine!
    # genevieve!

    (in sms)
    # andre!
    # chian!
    # jiayi!
    # xinyi!
    # benjamin!
    # ryan!
    # rahul!
    # wen xiang!
    # weqin!
    # matin!
    # hafizah!
    # timo!
    # alex!
    # jessie!
    # evelyn!
    # lianhan!
    # xavier!

    # yi chian!
    # roslyn!
    # annabeth carolynn rebecca!
    # xinyi!
    # jiayi!
    # yueqi!
    # karyee!
    # wei tieng!
    # dayna!
    # sharmaine!
    # genevieve!
    # eugenia!
    # heidi!
    # elijah!
    # han siang!
    # reshi!
    # shane!
    # naomi!
    # nic ho!
    # janice!
    # jerlin!
    # joanna!
    # tingyi!
    # kristacia!
    # dr tang!
    # kevin!
    # kyle!
    # mariel!
    # aaron!
    # wen xiang!
    # gan shun!
    # roy!
    # sabrina!
    # johannes!
    # tricia!
    # yi hui!
    # jean!

    LOADS MORE OTHER PEOPLE! Thanks! But I forgot you!

    (on MSN)

    # hayden!
    # utkarsh!
    # chong wei!
    # evelyn!
    # jun le!
    # boon!


    Monday, January 14, 2008
    / 11:22 PM

    must everything you do make me wanna smile...

    OK! i'm going to turn 15 very soon. which is one year closer to my death date so i better keep this post for reference on what i did when i was 14.

    -i pooped in my pants.
    -i called chian hussy.
    -i shouted at annabeth.
    -i went to xmas island.
    -i met awesome new friends.
    -i gained someone.
    -i quit gavel.
    -i ran yet again for the TrackMeet.
    -i taught my juniors how to mass dance.
    -i got my new/current phone S500i.
    -i got a new awesome G9 cam.
    -i went to my favourite restaurant, Carousel.
    -i ate my first snail, Escargot.
    -i had my very own orientation.
    -i had fun shaking my ass-ets.
    -i had a memorable birthday party.


    Sunday, January 13, 2008
    / 1:53 AM

    AH screw MasteringPhysics. Its so damn tedious and my eyes wanna pop out because of the tiny font that you have to squint to see!

    god damn first week.

    -chem quiz


    Monday, January 7, 2008
    Happy Birthday January Babies! ;D / 6:36 PM

    happy birthday all January babies! ;D (including me!)

    erm these are only the ones i know of!

    -nicolas ho
    -christopher thng
    -chew wen xiang
    -(someone i can't mention!)
    -han siang
    -me! :D

    and to the other thousands other there! Happy BirthMonth! <3

    Sunday, January 6, 2008
    / 8:53 PM

    Lorna (; says:

    Lorna (; says:
    you still on?

    Lorna (; says:
    hmm, i brb first

    Lorna (; says:
    going to shower

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:
    yehhh (:

    yichian =D says:
    lol omg ur dp so cute :D

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    yichian =D says:

    Lorna (; says:

    Lorna (; says:
    erm so random!

    Lorna (; says:

    wow. and to utkrash, NOTHING! (;

    Friday, January 4, 2008
    Amazing Race was AMAZING! / 10:51 PM

    ok i'm super hyper now! because investiture went something like a rock concert!

    amazing race was... ... AMAZING! ok not really, but was just quoting. ;D

    first stop! marshmellows=yum! and me and janice were darn happy because we were the very first ones who got all marshmellows in! WOOPEY! and so we had a pretty easy time getting everyones names into a crossword puzzle cause most people had loads of vowels. ;D another plus point for 306! then we took like 15 mins figuring out the clues. o_O and it basically led us to a cafe! we were thinking a museum or something because it said "... in NUS'S history" 05 was behind us and we were basically trying to lose them or something. mmhmm! that was funny. and we saw 02 heading over to the same place so we just tagged along.
    that was the domino and car station. i did the car. and our 2 teams finished just along side each other so we could head straight off and leave the rest behind.

    our next stop was the Faculty for Biodiversity or something like that. it was cherades. and ros told us something! haha ;D thanks ros! haha cherades was super duper uber fun! as in the one we had to act out the name of the animals involved. i selected black-backed kingfisher and dog-toothed cat snake. (: so people had a hard time with the king part because i was like knighting nic ho and they were like "queen?"... "knight?" and we only had ten guesses! EVENTUALLY they got it. and nic ho picked erm, pink necked green pigeon! ahaha! and we picked flying lemur, but the station masters so wisely asked us to act out another name, which was malayian congulo or something like that. and well, we failed that one.

    i hate the 4th station! it was the delaying station. but well, we took the umbrella vending machine photo so i guess that was a plus. and i pity the councilers that have to walk up and down everywhere. but it was pretty tiring because i was carrying a heavy bag! how stupid of me. and i didn't getting bitten by mosquitoes! whee! but several bit mariel and i was busy killing them. haha. but i got bitten by an ant i think. there's this ball on my sole now because of the allergic reaction. shall pierce it with a needle later to let the juice flow out! ahaha i'm a sick sadist. i know. ;D and so we played cherades AGAIN! and dog and bone. but the someone stepped on it and the cap came flying off and everyone was white! haha. and from that dog and bone, we had some penalty points so we had to do a forfeit as a class. and so we did the CHICKEN DANCE! woohoo! missed that dance. haha, and YQ joined in. so it was also quite fun as he was the one controlling the speed. making it go faster then slow down rapidly.

    and after that we went for our lunch break. i ate light because i KNOW i can and will get stitches later on if i ate heavy. everyone was like asking me how do i not faint as i eat so little. then i was like, my blubber! (lipid trilayer to be exact!) and we videoed subway and grabed an old chang kee paper bag. then off to our final station.

    THE WATER BOMBS! we didn't get wet throwing the bags. we got wet when we were transporting the pail. AH! BERNARD HIT MY NECK AND ITS SO DARN PAINFUL! but i'm over it. was quite refreshing actually. because there was a slight breeze. and so after that we splashed water on michael ang (the not-so-mad scientist) and bernard. and well, bernard was soaked along with his council booklet. good luck to that! so we took a bus back to school and waited there.

    the FINAL FINAL FINAL station was at the track. so we were waiting and stuff and when it was finally our turn, it rained. too much details so wont go into it. maybe next time.


    omfg. i love those drummers. they make me feel unworthy. they are FREAKING AWESOME! like seriously! i want to go watch them again. which is tmr. haha. ;D and well, it was the official badge pinning ceremony and everyone was struggling to put on their badge in time. the first yr 1 class didn't even put on their badges! kudos to them! and when it was my turn, i poked myself and fumbled with it. left it unpinned until off stage and i tried to pin it again and it poked me yet again! hate my badge. haha. ok so then after that it was the yr 1 cheers. they were a little uncoordinated but so much better than any of what we did when we were year 1s. and that was when everyone was getting super enthu. then our yr 3's conundrums were hilarious! i couldn't stop laughing my head off! haha, or maybe my ass.

    then the school song and students creed went so darn AWESOME!!!!!!! it was so magical i tell you. everyone was singing with "gusto" and saying the creed so perfectly! haha and the finale was the SL's Passion Cheer. and everyone shouted so loud, i was tempted to protect my ear drums! then of course the mass dance!

    everyone did! i mean EVERYONE! even those guys and stuff. haha! and we did more cheers. like that 10 beat cheer. i actually swished my butt, nodded my head and extended my tongue like a maniac for the first time. ahaha! i feel proud. and everyone was jumping and screaming like no ones business. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL!

    but this signifies the end of the fun and beginning of serious work. sigh, guess i'll have to try to work out with the new class. there's nothing we can do. and may we all work hard to get to the end of the year. thats when we can meet up yet again in OBS!

    love you guys! 201<3

    this is for all 201-ers. ;D

    All Or Nothing - Vanessa Hudgens

    They can play 'let's pretend'
    Make out like they're my best friend
    Telling their lies
    And they can scheme behind my back
    Make fiction out of fact
    Try to re-write my life

    But they ain't got a clue
    If I were in their shoes
    I'd shut right up (up, up, up)

    Take me as I am
    Or not at all
    I ain't ever gonna change myself for no one
    No compromise
    'Cause it's my life
    It's all or nothing.

    They can laugh all they like
    Got no need to justify
    [All Or Nothing lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

    I am who I am
    And they can do their worst if they dare
    If it makes them happy we don't care
    It's out of their hands

    'Cause they ain't got a clue
    If we were in their shoes
    We'd shut right up (up, up, up)

    Take us as we are
    Or not at all
    We ain't ever gonna change ourselves for no one
    No comprosmise 'cause it's our life
    It's all or nothing.

    Take me as I am
    Or not at all
    I ain't ever gonna change myself for no one
    Not compromise 'cause it's my life
    It's all or nothing

    Thursday, January 3, 2008
    Orientation Is Getting Fun / 11:47 PM

    ok, lets see. what to talk about today?

    i miss 201
    hussy misses 201
    wifey misses 201
    evil twin misses 201
    nana misses 201
    gen ???

    WE ALL MISS 201!

    (i like XL letters!)
    like seriously, my class is super boring that i can sleep even during those games.

    start of the day was again boring talks. and everyone was moaning and groaning again. plus i was trying to figure out how to warp my humanities so that i can join hussie's group. or at least fit into her timeslots. and someone elses too. but the laters one is easier. ;D so break was soggy noodles again, but this time managed to take at least more than 5 mouthfuls before i threw the thing away. partly because it sucked and mainly because we only had like 5 mins to eat and i was trying to recruit people for the gavel booth. hehe, busy me! and nana bought handmade noodles. didn't want to type of the hanyupingying cause it's late, i'm sleepy and i'm lazy.

    mass dance time! i was crushed at the back of the cohort because everyone wanted to see the dancers above. o_O and so now basically I have like 2 dance partners and i have to juggle between them. one is serene! one is hussy! so we had 4 dances. first 2 with serene! second 2 with hussy! and i was feeling guilty because one the first day i promised hussy that i would dance with her. but she wanted to dance with annabeth for a while so i paired up with serene! then i promised serene that I would dance with her on the night of investiture. but now nana doesn't want to dance with hussy and hussy wants to dance with me now. Oh God i feel lost.

    math and science games for bonding. THIS ONE ME LIKE! haha, our first game was "heart bid" where we supposed to bid against one another and stuff. our X=$60! so we took high risk and the average came out to be X=$37. that was super frustrating. and me, mariel and aaron were like all looking at the oppositions faces and trying to read their lips! *cheaters* ah wells, then our whole strategy was wrong and we lost 4 to 6. the second one was on the concourse. and that was fun! shane was like super good at it. haha! he somehow reminds me of winston. because of the loud voice. mmhmm. and well, we were basically the ones who grabbed most of the tiles before anyone could reach their first one. and that gave us the advantage! AHAHA. evil ;D and shane filtered out those bernard and elijah voices perfectly which gives him 2 thumbs up! next up was ICECREAM! which was kinda gross. i only ate the vanilla and strawberry fillings. didn't even dare to touch chocolate. so we had 2 tubs, and one extra remaining. (: the girls couldn't finish their tub but we finished like 3/4's of it and the rest kevin gobbled down. which was kinda gross to watch too. the last stall was the hall and somehow our message became "bonjour mon cheri" with accents of course. and that means "hello my dear" and the really message was "umbrellas, ponchos, ..." so we were suggesting that someone heard something similar to poncho and he said bonjour. and something else along the way. o_O talk about crazy! and our forfeit was to run around the school hall singing the school song chorus twice. so in the end, we took a shortcut and just shouted "the school chorus" twice while running in a circle holding hands. ;D

    during mentoring we came up with a conundrum! WooHoo US! and elijah, who is the station master for the cheer station in the amazing race today, taught us our class cheer! and well, it was something like the JBAC "Hungry" cheer. but those that didn't go and those new students will surely not know anything so we have to run through quite a but. and we finally came up with a PROPER seating arrangement. more leture hall/rainbow style. haha, we tried an "X" formation, didn't work. the angles were weirder than anything on the planet. but it seemed fine in 2D.

    oh yeah! i have a double dillema. so wish me luck! i have to bring 5 shirts tmr:

    -formal shirt
    -south africa shirt
    -class jersey
    -xmas island shirt
    -initium shirt

    haha! the first is a must. the next few are the requests that people have asked me to wear tmr. the second one was my choice actually. then the rest was requested from wifey, serene, mariel. in order too! so basically, my xmas island shirt is lost somewhere in my closet. tried to find it thrice but can't find it so it's out. sorry serene!

    -south africa shirt
    -class jersey
    -xmas island shirt
    -initium shirt

    the initium shirt is nice to show off because i still think it's the best orientation shirt we've had so far. but i dont think i'll be wearing it. sorry mariel!

    -south africa shirt
    -class jersey
    -xmas island shirt
    -initium shirt

    that leaves the last two choices. i dont want to be a rotten egg, but neither do i favour the class jersey over my shirt. so i'll be bringing both! haha, find someway in between to change. and i'm a nice person too! maybe during lunch or something. ;D

    and the mad rush for online module registration is making me nuts! and i'm quitting gavel and joining netball. and i'm not surprised if everyone is stunned. haha! i do unexpected things and love getting people's reactions out of it. haha!

    tmr i have to tell utkrash nothing and andy to stop shouting *ahhem*, you know. haha i said i wont work on me but ros begs to differ. lets see who wins the bet. xD


    Wednesday, January 2, 2008
    / 8:03 PM

    my new class was above my expectations! haha, and made some nice new friends like kristacia(06) and fabia(08). ;D they seem all enthu and everything. especially during polar bear. and i hate YQ for that. that was the ultimate sabo. haha, but us polar bears still won in the end. ^^ the orientation t-shirt is not bad, comparatively to the one our juniors had. but of course, the SL one is much better. they always get the nicer out of the 2. hehe! and should have taken small. AH! the shirt is going to be super huge! can i ask chian for her extra one? hehe. and ros says the SLs only have one shirt.

    I shall resolve my post to short simple lines that get my point out.

    school talks are boring
    mass dances are getting gay-er
    orientation tees should have another colour
    they should not give out "Magic Circles"


    nah dna naihc yrasrevinna yppah