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    designer: darkdegree
    partofthecodes: detonatedlove
    images: moargh
    textues: peachinparis
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    Wednesday, February 27, 2008
    / 8:28 PM

    utkarsh is like super duper funny! during that calendar talk, he turned around twice and asked me if that Helmer Aslaksen guy was hot. well, he sure is! and funny too! xD oh yeah like forgot about something fabia wrote on the board just before physics:

    Ms Sie Says:


    Therefore, Htoo=Water.

    i think i'm getting sick of xiao wan mian. been eating it almost every other day. i'm MAD! shall stick to rice for a change. but don't know how long that will last. hehe being totally random! :D L: Change The World is SUPER NICE! but maybe because it was my first time watching the death note series. hehe and people are funny when they feel awkward. thanks anyway evelyn ;)!

    i was suddenly reminded that i have to finish my Mastering Physics. i did it half way then i went on to finish history. which reminded me that history assignment 3 is due next week. and bonding day is cancelled. URGH! and principals dialog was screwed. they barely let us ask questions. plus, if you're so concerned with us wasting aircon and stuff, then give the MR's the keys! then we can turn it off right?! plus, we're bloody behind by 2 hours in math. and we're like the only class which has a PERMANENT remedial class every thursday. can't stand it. it's like he's so slow, it's not our fault.

    off to do physics! :D

    Tuesday, February 26, 2008
    "I will love you till this piece of charcoal turns into a diamond..." / 9:07 PM

    haha! we should all give ms kong charcoal for her birthday. she apparently is no stranger to all it's good uses! "can use for barbecue, can use as air freshener..." and we girls have learned something NEW! diamonds can't conduct electricity so don't BS about diamonds shocking us if we go near an electrical current. and for ms kong's PhD project, we shall burn students!

    all living things are made of carbon 12. diamonds are also made out of carbon 12. therefore:

    Hypothesis- Students will become diamonds if left under great heat and immense pressure.

    -get volunteers.
    -get your busen burner ready.
    -burn your subjects limbs while hammering from time to time.
    -record results.
    -get teachers if you run out of students.
    -repeat, this time hammer harder as they are older.

    Experimental Flaws:
    They burn too easily and can't take the hammering.

    Ways to Improve:
    Make sure they're dead before starting so kill students with homework.

    and physics was easy! but i did screw up some questions. URGH! hardly used my cheat sheet...

    recognise him? haha that was nicolas ho a.k.a patrick when he was 13. SO CHUBBY! xD

    Monday, February 25, 2008
    backstreet's emos back / 8:56 PM

    Helpless When She Smiles

    LOVE THEIR NEW RELEASE! Just saw it on MTV this morning. i was like mesmerized. ah...

    She keeps the secrets in her eyes
    She wraps the truth inside her lies
    Just when I can't take what she's done to me
    She comes to me
    And leads me back to paradise

    She's so hard to hold
    But I can't let go

    I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
    A reckless ride in the pouring rain
    She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
    She danced away just like a child
    She drives me crazy, drives me wild
    But I'm helpless when she smiles

    Maybe I'd fight it if I could
    It hurts so bad, but feels so good
    She opens up just like a rose to me
    When she's close to me
    Anything she asked me to, I would

    It's out of control
    But I can't let it go

    I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
    A reckless ride in the pouring rain
    She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
    She danced away just like a child
    She drives me crazy, drives me wild
    But I'm helpless when she smiles

    When she looks at me
    I get so weak

    I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
    A reckless ride in the pouring rain
    She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
    She danced away just like a child
    She drives me crazy, drives me wild
    But I'm helpless when she smiles

    Sunday, February 24, 2008
    / 7:37 PM

    quizzes i stole off debra's blog.

    Saturday, February 23, 2008
    total pink and green / 9:44 PM

    yay got my braces done again! it's like freaking pain now. especially my incisor on my bottom jaw. it has to be pulled out!!!!! cause it's like way inside... and i could barely chew my food. can't even touch that tooth! the rest of my teeth are sore, but still manageable. maybe it's because it's my incisors first time so it hurts like shit. got pink and green! the dentist says they look like care bear colours. it kinda reminded me of teletubbies. oO. chick vs. dick is hilarious! at least this time paul won.

    ouch! going to whine about my tooth. at least its just 3 days. by that time, i'll be in school. so can at least train myself to NOT EAT so much. i'm such a glutton. x.X

    homework is a word i'll never forget.

    Friday, February 22, 2008
    its way overdue! / 9:02 PM

    ros, me, mariel. our table is freaking messy

    bloody hell! I forgot my math file. i'm going to get screwed for math test. and my tests need serious pulling up now. its been stressful! bloggers aren't blogging anymore *gasp* but, who cares anyway?

    today was really boring to say the least. firstly, YQ didn't come today so couldn't push the returning of register to him. had to walk up there myself. luckily left my stuff on the concourse. and those shoes were heavy! never gonna bring a shoe bag again. then today had to suffer for the 5 hours non-stop lessons yet again. thankfully managed to gobble down nata de coco jelly before chem. :D also bought MnMs for secret eating. chem was still ok. had quiz first. it was pretty easy, considering it's the first one.

    then was english. spent like half the time trying to figure out was transition words to use for that passage. and was also falling asleep so eat the MnMs to keep me awake. i actually thought that after english was BIO! totally forgot about math! and finished the MnMs, unfortunately. then math was used(by me) to do the examples in the notes. mr chia was going through the tutorial.

    bio was, has always been interesting. and the first group present on kidneys! and they got 2 thumbs up! and talking about next weeks dissection! yay! can't wait! (i'm a saddistic person). better not tell ros. we're going to dissect a sheeps heart and observe a pig's kidney. WHEE! :D :D :D :D :D

    netball was exhausting. lagged behind cause stopped to tie shoelace, never got back with the rest of the group. AH! feel like a slacker... and 2 rounds are seriously nothing compared to 4 rounds. yeesh! and drills were fun. although hanisah chest-passed a little too hard and i was watching a little birdie fly past, so yeah. you get the rest of the story. :D tricia was all over my pokemon game! ;D was funny. pikachu is CUTE! and i'm sunburnt. and two-toned! i think i'm exercising my ass. because it gets soo sore when i sit. yay! MY ASS WILL BE TONE! ok, now i'm really bored.

    can't wait till SLI! and PROM! :D :D :D
    it's like the two biggest dance events, that i know of, in this school. :D must support ROS! ... 5, 6, 7, 8... 1, 2,down, UP! i like feeling high... above the ground! considering my condition. ): shortness...

    the ever daunting periodic table

    me, ros, mariel

    and END OF STORY! :D

    Thursday, February 14, 2008
    / 10:27 PM

    HEYS CHIAN! My hussy is getting old... I need a new one! Haha, just kidding! I love you loads! Hope you have a wonderful Freaky Fifteen! May boys queue from Thailand just to kiss your hand! xD ah-ah-ah-long.

    [ Thats What We Said ]
    Without you girl, my soul would be dead.
    You taught me things I NEVER knew.
    What would I do without you?

    * F R I E N D S H I P *
    is just a word
    but my girls
    give it MEANING

    Hey you, i know i'm in the wrong
    Time flies when you're having fun

    You wake up another year is gone you're 21
    I guess you wanna know
    Why i'm on the phone
    Its been a day or so
    I know its kinda late
    But Happy Birthday

    Yeah yeah woah woah
    I know you hate me
    Yeah yeah woah woah
    Well i miss you too
    Yeah yeah i know
    I know it's kinda late
    But Happy Birthday

    So hard when you're far away
    It's lame but i forgot the date
    I won't make the same mistake
    I'm so to blame

    So now you know
    Don't hang up the phone
    I wish i was at home
    I know it's way to late
    But happy birthday
    Yeah yeah woah woah
    I know you hate me
    Yeah yeah woah woah
    Well i miss you too
    Yeah yeah i know
    I know its kinda late
    But Happy Birthday

    Its not that i don't care
    You know i'll make it up to you
    If i could i'd be there

    Yeah yeah woah woah
    Yeah yeah woah woah
    Well i miss you too
    Yeah yeah i know
    I know its kinda late
    But happy birthday
    Yeah yeah woah woah
    I know you hate me
    Yeah yeah woah woah
    Well i miss you too
    Yeah yeah i know
    I know its kinda late
    But Happy Birthday

    To You.

    and a special tribute too!

    Wednesday, February 13, 2008
    Happy Vday! / 9:12 PM

    Happy Vday Everyone! There's a special surprise for you tmr. Too bad I've found most of them (: hope it isn't question and answer or anything embarassing. :x


    i was screaming for joy. it was kinda messy. the only goal was sort of everyone crowding around the post and kicking at the ball. everyone was stunned when the ball went in. even the goalie. but kudos to him! he plays quite a good game. and to all those soccer players who almost lost your tongue, ouch! to jeremiah, sorry you had to be benched yet again because of your ankle! hope you get better soon and great game!


    Tuesday, February 12, 2008
    saying thank you! / 7:02 PM

    haha today was absoulutely fun!

    chinese we got to finish the "hong hai er" movie thing and still haven't passed in my overly overdue assignments. shall do it tonight. cheryl, naomi and i were like all chionging to finish the worksheet. it was quite fun! haha, we all put down the same answers. xD then math i FINALLY understood the quadratic curve equation and how to solve it! in like dunno how many LIGHT YEARS!

    halfway during chem, yuanwei, aik an and ka shing came in to return nic's dismantled rubiks cube.

    ms kong, "Nicolas! Why never say thank you?"
    nic, *speechless*
    ms kong, "They so nice come all the way here just to return you your stuff you never say thank you!"
    nic, "But they dismantled my cube!"
    someone, "It takes hours just to piece back together!"
    ms kong, "But still must say thank you!"

    everyone laughs! even yw, aa, ks.

    ms kong, you made our day!


    Monday, February 11, 2008
    you learn things you never knew / 9:25 PM

    its funny how relationships can work out. and that I was totally unaware that ahhem and ahhem* was even mutual! anyways congrats ;D and its like people don't know the REAL juicy stuff. oops, feels like dejavu all over again. if i'm not wrong, then yup, congrats to that "unexpected couple".

    I KNOW I TALK IN RIDDLES! haha:D even hussy doesn't know what i'm talking about sometimes. i'm wondering what will happen if coco passes. although i expect something like what happened when pingping passed but i think the reaction would be greater. urgh... can i give coco immortality?!

    I HAVE MY VALENTINES! and no i dont think you would be expecting it. and sometimes i feel that people don't know how sweet they are being treated. god! what the hell is wrong with me?! yay finally after like weeks i'm finally going out like to watch a movie. i almost got to watch CJ7 with my cousins! but everyone was soooo sian... urgh! whee:D its like i'm so tired after every lesson. so it's like i try to keep awake during classes, then after class i'm like finding a place to sleep somehow. and every night i nap for like an hour then wake up, shower, eat dinner, then sleep very late yet again and repeat.

    P.S. I love you :D

    Tuesday, February 5, 2008
    Here Comes Spring... Cleaning. / 9:02 PM

    today was tiring! but it was really a class bonding day! woo!

    everyone ended early! mwahaha. and ros was drawing the new class mascot in math. :x
    then after class MOST went to the library to chiong physics prac. those guai ones handed in already and mariel didn't bring hers! xD and even YQ didn't hand in! and so we were all chionging graphs and the worksheet.

    "if the mass increases, weight increases. weight is force. mass is directly proportional to weight. mass doubles, weight doubles.
    *cancel off 2*
    therefore, acceleration is not affected!"

    one of the explanations in the ws.

    here comes spring! quite fun actually. to say the least. it really improved class bonds! plus the whole coke/kinder bueno/result of human defecation has had a real good impact on our class!


    Monday, February 4, 2008
    / 9:26 PM

    i feel stressed! but who doesn't these days. i wonder how people can cope with bridging homework on top of everything else! GO FABIA!

    soccer was... hopeful i guess. the first half we were either 0-1 or 0-0. then the second half we wasted 2 chances. then they scored 2 more. and there were crazy people stacked on top one another jumping all over our track. and the trend of "ahem" is getting more and more prominent.

    class deco was FUNNY!!! two gay guys trying to shred crepe(crap) paper that was fixed onto our aircon because one little miss missy was very fussy! hehe :D and the fan almost sliced off YQ's head. oO the blue fish was nice though (: shall change the whole plan of the class deco. i dont think cloth is going to work anymore.

    CLASS TRUTH/DARE! hehe, i'm more knowledgeable in the world of "shippyness" plus, we ask more personal questions but the question keeps rotating. we're saving all the good ones for class chalet :D