


Bella's Lullaby River Flows In You - Yiruma
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    designer: darkdegree
    partofthecodes: detonatedlove
    images: moargh
    textues: peachinparis
    icons: threemoresteps

    Saturday, March 29, 2008

    aww! people are getting emo.

    chem test was er... never mind.
    bio quiz was super easy! but i think i got screwed for the structured.
    math quiz was ok but didn't know how to do the first question!

    next week, playing match. it was quite a crazy day. and i seriously need to work on my highest point passes. argh. whatever. it drizzled for a few times and coach was super funny! a few times i caught her looking up to see if there was lightning. ahaha:D elaine is a good center! or maybe i suck at center defense. we were training for the match and there weren't enough people so i (the noob) had to play center defense. elaine is super good at dodging and learnt something neat from her! hehe;D shall be my secret tactic. although i have to get the habit of applying it first. and yay! i got to play match after everything. played WA but this match wasn't as well played. plus, we only played one quarter because it was already 6.

    then called parents and while waiting, helped ms mazni prepare for the admission talk! she looked so desperate. it was like her all alone there with only roslyn helping her. xD and then she was like "Lorna ah Lorna... Can't even recognise you!" Then I was like, "Yeah went for plastic surgery!" Then parents were like streaming in but i looked so unglam! I was like all washed out, my messed up hair and i was gleaming with sweat and rain water. urgh. then, my parents brought me home to my sister's birthday party.

    YAY! i was almost dead tired by the time i reached there. her friends are like super crazy! and she has good friends! i can't even bully her! they're all like "Dont touch tiffany ah!" ah. then cut that "urgh" looking cake that i made. the icing looked weirder than ever. it had a glossy look and was almost transparent. then it all collected in a small dent in the center of the cake. but i tasted good anyway! next time going to try whipped cream to cover up that icing.

    haha :D should i upload pictures? maybe on the next post.

    Sunday, March 23, 2008
    cheers to a great weekend. / 7:47 PM


    WARNING: Super long post ahead! Good luck if you want to read it!

    Good Friday, spent the whole day slacking through. Oops. Should have finished Chinese/Bio. Oh well!

    met up in school for training. it was ok! i think i'm getting a little better. still, must train hard! drills were so-so, coach was HaHa, street netball was YEAH-YEAH!

    ok, i'm going nuts. lemme explain.
    drills were ok, weren't the worst. catching was scary! hanisah can run FAST! eh, and i haven't worked my stomach in like 159847639487 YEARS! so doing 40 crunches were super painful. AH!

    COACH SERENE IS THE BEST! Haha, she tried to remember my name, but failed miserably.

    Then played street netball with other newbies.

    My Team: Hilda, Wan Qi, Shri.
    XY's Team: Nicole, Debra(Yr 1), Asrah, Fiona.

    hehe! and my team won! yet again! :D i was damn happy! first quarter was 3-0, but stepped with the ball once. ARGH! second/third/fourth quarters were all a draw! So, nett points my team won! WHOOPEE! Me and Hilda didn't have to do suicide runs for 2 trainings STRAIGHT! :D But, we were like crazy! Screaming our heads off just because the ball went out or it didn't go in. LOL! I think that was what got me so hyper.

    Then Xinyi helped me to carry all my Physics stuff to the canteen where the 2 lazy-asses were sitting. And Mariel with her crazy-ness over "hot legs". Then we were speculating over the mouse trap. Apparently, not a lot of people know that mouse traps actually kill the mouse, which is kinda cruel if you ask me. Mine had all the sharp edges that could easily puncture a mouse if the clamp came down. AH! Then i was all sadistic saying the blood would spurt out and stuff :D

    Then Kristacia came down from her hostel room and we started to discuss about the project. Lets just call a certain someone that i've mentioned recently C. Well, C was being all rich ass and everything by going to get food while the rest of us was starving. Then when we were discussing about how the thing was going to be set up, C hardly contributed at all, but was all criticise criticise. And Ros can finally see what Mariel and I were talking about. :D anyways back to the good parts.

    So we decided to do it Ros' way by inverting the mouse trap. It was pretty ingenious! Ah, what would we do without Great Councilor ANG^2? But we obviously needed some extra things like duct tape, toothpicks and something more aesthetically appealing. We(except C) "Oiya-Peiya-Som" a few times but then there went on this great debate about adding an extra "roti" behind it. Haha :D I like bread! In the end we decided to get everything together(except for C). Took 196 to Clementi Interchange and walked all the way to Big Bookshop. Then we were talking about *ahem* fake people. Then bought the surprisingly cheap duct tape, ice cream sticks(weren't any toothpicks) and other stuff like metal clips in pastel colours. We DID spend alot of time looking at stickers, bookmarks and what nots. LOL! Girls get distracted easily. Then saw loads of people at Clementi. Sorry, tried to list them out but couldn't remember all. Well, the people i remember were Hilda and Wanqi, Miss Madeline Chen with her BF, Alvin Ng, Jing Min, Bernard and loads of NCC people. And Bernard is BLIND! AND SO IS MARIEL! :D

    hehe;D wanted to order "The Real Deal Meal" in KFC. then she asked me what I was ordering, so I pointed out to the BIG SIGN across the room, but she was like

    M:"Which One? The $6.10 one?"
    M:"The $4.90 one?"
    L:"NO! The $5 one"
    M:"Where? Cannot see!"
    L:"There! You See?! REAL DEAL MEAL... $5!"
    M:"OH OH!"
    *then she turns around to the counter*
    M:"Isn't it this one?!"
    *points to sign at counter*

    anyway, to continue on the drama, i mistakenly ordered 2 Real Deal Meals because i thought Mariel wanted one too. But then she said

    M:"NO! I wanted Fish Ole"
    R:"Where? It's Fish Fillet LAH AUNTIE!"
    L:"Yeah! Where got Fish Ole?"
    M:"There! Fish Ole!"
    M:"THERE FISH OLE!$4.90"
    L:"Where?" *searches for a while, found it*
    L:"Mariel! Where got $4.90? It's $6.10!"
    M:"Student meal!"

    hehe :D funny that time. but more fun to come!

    So we bused back to school and had to walk more overhead bridges. Argh! I totally hate overhead bridges! Then we found out that Alvin had left later than us but reached earlier than us and I was like "WTH?!". Saw C there waiting with a container of nuts. That container of nuts wasn't there before which means that she went back up to her room, grabbed the nuts and came back down. We know how long she takes to go back up to her room cause she went up there several times during the discussing of the project so if anything got stolen when she was gone, it was her fault! Luckily, nothing did get stolen.

    So, Ros carried out her plan and Chian came back from her Physics Project Tryout with half the project. Apparently, the dismantled the project so that Chian can work on one half while Annabeth could work on the other half. Haha, Chian is sooo cute when she's lugging stuff around. She gives you that "Why am I doing this again?" type of look. :D We were supposed to do history project with her, but we barely got started with physics project. We left poor Chian there reading her book while Ros, Kristacia and I were assembling the mechanism, Mariel was being very patient about twirling the ball holder. mmhmm! and Ros got Chian started with the History Project by tracing loads of little German Boys and Girls on Pink and Blue pieces of paper. Oh yeah, I was being all crazygilasiaomad about the taping and twirling. I think i was like doing the least work but doing the most goofing around.

    We bought red and black duct tape and Ros made is so that it looked like a Sumo Wrestler. xD And Mariel finished the first round of twirling so i volunteered to so the second round. And ohmymama! I didn't have ANY PATIENCE! Haha, did a few rounds and gave up! And Mariel was all "See lah Lornie! All your fault!" HAHA! She said that like 49562045865 times! And I felt like whipping her with the twine. Then I asked Chian for her opinion and she was on Mariel's side, so since Chian was closer, I began to whip her with the twine. hehe :D One strand wasn't enough so i quadrupled it and it began to hurt. But i stopped doing that after a while and started to help Ros.

    I began to suggest ideas by how the mechanism is going to work and such. I came up with the idea that we could pull a piece of twine connected to the mechanism and hold it with the metal clip. Unfortunately, it didn't work, as Ros had predicted. Then Mariel was again with the "See Lah Lornie! All your fault again!" LOL! Then Ros had the twine tied in such a way that it looked like a very pretty ribbon! But then she wanted to tape red duct tape onto the ribbon so that it looked like balls with latex. yes, I have a damn sick mind but she stretched it across! It was my fault! Everyone was "Eww Lornie! How can you be so sick?!"

    Time for the test run! Everyone was almost going to kill Mariel because she took darn long to twirl the twine all around and she wanted to do like a SECOND LAYER! Everyone was like NO WAY! We tried to fit the ball into the casing which Mariel affectionately took around 2 hours to make but it was too snug! It couldn't release the ball so in the end, we wasted 10 ice-cream sticks, a considerable amount of duct tape and a HELL LOAD of twine! We decided to go with the not-completely-cleaned-out KFC mashed potato container. uh huh, C cleaned it. Then the other complication. It was already 3 and people had to go home at 4 and the spring wasn't placed correctly so it didn't give us optimum strength. So, we had to unwind all of the precious duct tape and re-position the mouse trap so that it could shoot further. But, problem was we didn't start on history yet. We left C and Mariel to do it, Ros and I owe them BIG TIME! So maybe for Mariel's Birthday going to give her a HUGE WATCH! :D

    Then met Chian at the canteen again. And she was like bored and everything. SORRY! she had that @-@ look. Anyway, we quickly got to cutting out all the shapes that Chian had so nicely drawn for us. And we had some boy issue which was funny to see. Then Xinyi came back for Alister to teach her Physics and stuff. Er... hmm, connection? And haha when we moved, some people also decided to move along with us. I was washing my hands of mud while i was anticipating what was going to happen next. And it did happen! I was LMAO the entire way from the water basin to the table. And Chian was like acting all innocent. HEHE:D

    FUN DAY! :D

    Thanks to All Netballers!
    Thanks to my Street Netball Team Mates!
    Thanks to CHUA YI CHIAN!


    Tuesday, March 18, 2008
    / 10:53 PM


    drills weren't as tiring as circuit. but my hair was frustrating. hopes it grows out quickly. then today, ms kong's like very funny! :D

    hehe:D i like making ros and mariel laugh. but so sad changing seating arrangement. so i'll miss my japanese MSN-"convo-ing" people. plus, i dont want to sit next to some rather peculiar people. urgh.

    YAY! Center is hard work, but tricia wanted WA. hmm, then we won! BECAUSE OF SHINI! AHHHH! I LOVE YOU SHINI! :D and coaches qianqian and ashley left. boo. thanks coaches if you ever read this, THANKS SO MUCH! for your kindness, patience and great heap of voluntarism. training us psychopaths couldn't have been easy.

    Monday, March 17, 2008
    / 10:01 PM

    cheat is super fun! and addictive.
    polar bear is ... well, polar bear.

    and annabeth *hugs*. i'll try talking to.

    Thursday, March 13, 2008
    / 5:52 PM

    annabeth! is this a death sentence?! and it's not 8, but 11! argh! kill me now...

    please! zap me!

    Monday, March 10, 2008
    FLIPSIDE! / 8:10 PM

    haha :D sabrina is the BOMB! plus, all our graphs were like flipped so we were drawing arrows to show that it flips over :D and ms sie IS NICE! aww, i wish i could have her as my math teacher.

    and apparently, scouts were looking for donations and had to part with my lunch money! *sniffs*

    Saturday, March 8, 2008
    Forgotten Songs / 11:29 PM

    i totally forgot these songs! they used to be my favourites. enjoy.

    Friday, March 7, 2008
    / 9:47 PM

    hehe :D netball ALMOST cracked my ankle.


    er... i need ankle guard.

    this song reminds me of elizabeth gao. i miss her and those crazy days were i can trip and keep laughing. and ros going "Do You Know That...". this was her favourite song. she taught me the lyrics. and somehow singing rihanna songs and everything else you can think of. i hope she's coming back!

    Thursday, March 6, 2008
    total random day! / 10:42 PM

    today was spent mostly walking around aimlessly trying to locate people to talk to.

    the SLI was really confusing! it's like i couldn't take attendance and people were all over the place. and most importantly, they didn't know where to sit. and thanks Janice for helping me mark attendance. and sorry to Reshi! i couldn't see you! the SLI was cute! i applaud the CCA Leaders: Club and Societies for bowing in a wave...
    like this ~~~~. hehe ;D and it's so sad that asra couldn't go on stage! SLI dance was erm, nerve-racking. the music was horrible because the electric violin, stompers and the hiphop track weren't in sync. so everyone was clueless on the beat. ros fell and fumbled with her dance. AH! it look so much better during rehearsals. but i compliment the SC's and PSLs on trying. it wasn't that bad, just ok.

    haha, saw VANIA! she's intan's sis if you didn't know. hehe i think i'm taller than her :D cheese! this totally shows how i used to be one of the taller girls in my P6 class. mmhmm. she's a SC for JurongVille! can't believe it, the days that we spent as prefects were good times. like changing shifts, the most memorable was the one were i was about to change shift and jone was like running at me with his nike bottle trying to spray water at me. and i was hiding behind vania. which caused a tremendous delay in her remaining 15 minutes of break xD didn't talk to her much though. they councilors were all over her so at least i got to say hi! and the AMAZING BUFFET FOOD... was gone in 3 seconds. i managed to snatch a few tuna sandwiches and a muffin. didn't like the muffin too much though. and supposedly, there was this councilor from Hwa Chong (brown blazer, red tie) that had a crush on jiayi and he came to our school! AHAHA!

    so roslyn was busy with council duties, the juniors had chem, chian was with fiza drawing... erm self portraits on the board and i was walking around trying to locate all of them. yup. and i agree the QC and Zen make a cute couple. i found ros in the library, chian in her class. my classroom had became a *** ***. it's like people were taking a crash course on bridging modules. haha:D

    then AXIS was about Faraday and some Physicist. fell asleep. ZzZzZz... was really really really tired! and my bag was super comfy. then went to lunch with sab, fiza, chian, fabia and ros. then we talked about the utmost random stuff. like tsubasa, bleach, SLI dance, and god know what!

    then was COM LAB! oh and something about mr brown, podcast and the songs "My Humps" and "Mai Ham"(hokkien) which literally means "no cockle". was LMAO! and something weird happened. i was talking about jean and was at jean's blog and suddenly jean appears right behind me and says, "That looks like my blog!" scared me!

    then played bridge, 3-person bridge and speed. the eugenia left and ros left. so left me and timo. it became mass-bitching session. well, not exactly bitching but it was sharing stories and stuff. then ros came back to do her math file and chem ws. and i was sooo bored i began to tie ros' hair into one heck of a structure. let's just say i like side-parting buns. hehe ster yee is funny! i miss him.

    Hollywood's Not America / 10:23 PM

    Born Helena Jane
    With a restless soul
    She moved west to California
    Became a Center-Fold

    But once you change your name
    Well the pieces fall
    Now she hardly recognizes herself at all

    And there’s never any rain, when you want it
    A hollow little game, and you’ve won it
    Looking for a thrill but you’ve done it all

    So long, put your blue jeans back on girl
    Go home
    Remember Hollywood’s not America
    So long put your blue jeans back on girl
    Go home
    Remember Hollywood’s not America
    O yea

    And everybody heres, from somewhere else
    You could make a million dollars, but you might lose yourself
    And you can take the heat will your heart go cold
    They say acting’s just pretending, even that gets old

    And there’s never any rain, when you want it
    A hollow little game, and you’ve won it
    Looking for a thrill but you’ve done it all

    So long, put your blue jeans back on girl
    Go home
    Remember Hollywood’s not America
    So long put your blue jeans back on girl
    Go home
    Remember Hollywood’s not America

    And I know what to do when
    I know that you
    You can be anything you want to be

    So long, put your blue jeans back on girl
    Go home
    Remember Hollywood’s not America
    So long put your blue jeans back on girl
    Go home
    Remember Hollywood’s not America
    Hollywood’s not America
    It’s not America

    Wednesday, March 5, 2008
    / 6:51 PM

    my sis is such a utter brat!

    she's 12 so it's her PSLE year. then my dad got this amazing deal that like we can get 20% of the normal price of the air tickets. so we were deciding where to go and i wanted thailand, so we WERE SUPPOSED to go to chang mai. it's on Good Friday-Sunday. that's the most perfect slot because it's just the right time. it isn't too late or like during normal school days or exams. but my brat sis said that she has her PSLE this year so she needs those days to study. LIKE COME ON! you're not the only one that like has stuff to do. i have 4 projects due, 2 of which are due on the monday right after Good Friday. but i can still make time to go off. and it's SUCH A RARE OPPORTUNITY for us to fly at such low prices. sucker. i shan't say the B-word because she's still my sis. ARGH! and she was all sulky in the car. guess what she was doing before she was picked up. SHE AMAZINGLY HAD THE TIME TO GO TO HER FRIENDS PLACE. which is astounding in my opinion. and she's still sulky after she got what she wanted. YOU HAVE NO F-ING RIGHT TO BE SULKY! you got what you wanted, and you still sulked. i should be having AP right now because i didn't get the vacay.


    injured/bruised my index finger's knuckle because i surfed one too many times during volleyball. and sadly, i can't spike because of my height. BOO! haha was fun though :D never would have imagined me liking volleyball. then, i felt so accomplished because i finished my tutorials and corrections for my math file yesterday under 3 hours. :D :D :D :D :D and i finally understand log. well, the details at least. and cheryl is emo. (the 05 one, not the 09 one) really, really REALLY EMO!

    and had nice talk with best buds for life again. :DDDDD but 3 of them went to buy JP to buy gummies. >< then left with 2. the one left isn't best bud yet, but she's great to talk to. and i like making new friends. they keep you company when you have to wait like 3 hours for a free ride. hehe(:

    i'm feeling better already.

    Saturday, March 1, 2008
    whee! :D / 11:38 AM

    netball was tiring! complicated heart-shaped drill! square drill was still alright, just that i think everyone was just wanting to get it over and done with. screwed up loads during the heart drill. and played WA! seriously, attacking is way easier than defense. it's like in D, you have to stick to that person while A is just trying to get your hands on the ball. need to watch my stepping though. and during SLIR, i was like trying out the butterfly stretch and almost pulled my inner thighs straight of the bone. at least, eugenia/xinyi wanted to. then i tried to do it to jiayi/sophie, didn't work! i think i'm abnormal. didn't try it on chian though. BLEH! she didn't want to let me do it. and ros was so darn cute!!!! i'm going to kill brian because he wasn't there for the couples part. yaya I SUPPORT YOU ROS! and i'm so going for the full-dress rehearsal. it's going to be a blast! ;D