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    Saturday, May 24, 2008
    Response to comments / 9:13 PM

    Ok, since I don't wanna spam my cbox, I'll post my comments here.

    Chian-Sorry! And there's nothing wrong. But I wanted it!
    Janell-Haha Yeah! David A is sooo much cuter. And I shall be nice to Faraday from now on.
    Ada-Haha YAY! :D
    YiHui-Really? On the same day? I saw Barnabus and Claudia though.

    Friday, May 23, 2008
    DAVID A! / 12:50 PM

    Argh! I'm pissed, upset and really really feel that AI was screwed!

    Why didn't David Archuleta win? Bleh!

    I almost cried when I watched the encore telecast. It's such a waste.

    He's so damn talented! And I feel David Cook is old... Sorry cook fans.

    A Moment Like This - David Archuleta

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008
    Yay! / 10:02 PM

    Ok, I'm dead tired now. So shall edit this post tmr perhaps. And well done 306! You guys did a commendable effort.

    Tuesday, May 20, 2008
    Happy BDays and Southern Ridges! / 9:13 AM

    "Discovering Southern Ridges"

    Okies. Family went to walk the long long long trail of The Southern Ridges. It's that trail which stretches 9km. Plus, I had a fever and wheezing chest so it was kinda of tough for me. But we went in the late afternoon/early evening so the sun wasn't that bright. We parked at Hort Park cause it was kind of the only place to park legally. And there were already loads of people streaming in so we like waited 30 minutes before we could actually park. Then my dad went of to fetch my cousin because she didn't have a car and she was taking her kids along too. In the end, the carpark attendant didn't allow us to park because there was one big jam so my dad parked somewhere off the private street of terraces. Then my other cousins came and she brought along her baby Jayden! He's not even 1 and he's sooo big! So my aunt thought that we were walking in Hort Park so she didn't bring the necessary walking shoes. But we made it through in the end.

    We started halfway through the Flora Walk and basically walked all the way to Henderson Waves. It was quite enjoyable but there was simply too many people and we couldn't stop to admire the scenery and snap some shots. I was wheezing at one point because we either had to walk a winding platform up to the top, which was super duper long or we could climb 6 flights of steep stairs to reach the top faster. And all the kids were going by stairs so I decided to follow suit. In the end I could barely catch my breath cause I had a throat inflammation which made it hard to take in deep breathes. But after 5 minutes of rest and waiting for the others to come up I was ok.

    Those that drove there parked their cars way way behind and my aunt didn't wanna walk back cause it would most probably take another hour. So we stopped at SAFRA(Mt Faber) and they took a taxi back to collect their cars. Then my sister, my niece, my nephew and I payed 2 dollars just to play a game of foosball. My niece and I were on the red side while my sis and my nephew were on the blue side. We were winning at first but in the end, my sis scored one more point. Haha. :D The younger ones wanted to play again but it was kind of wasting money so we decided not to. Ate at Pioneer Springs. It was quite tasty. Though the "mi fen" was taking very long. Hehe;D Ok enough crap, shall post some cute pictures of JAYDEN! My baby nephew. :DDDD

    Welcome to Hort Park

    We LOVE colourful fishies!

    My favourite photo!

    The park is really aesthetically pleasing

    My sister is polluting the clear water!

    The park is DAMN BEAUTIFUL!

    Say TOFU! You're on TofuCam!

    It's barely the beginning of a long walk!

    Isn't he just a darling!

    I think I look like a total goofball.

    The moon is cool

    Henderson Waves

    The sun was setting in the background

    The blind leading the blind! Haha

    Don't really know what it is.

    I think I could just squish him! SO CUTE!

    Happy Belated Birthday 18th to LIM MING XUAN (who is now in NS). Hope you can come home and celebrate!
    And Happy Advanced Birthday to THIO ZHANG WEN aka BOON. Hehehe;D
    Also Happy Advanced Birthday to LIM MING WEI and DADDY!!!

    Since I'm sick and rotting at home, I thought I might do a LONG quiz. Got it off Katrina's blog.

    The Letter A
    Are you available?
    Yup. Always!

    What is your age?:
    Fifteen! Wheee... my fave number :D

    What annoys you?:
    When people don't get hints.

    The Letter B
    Do you live in a big house?:
    Nope. Not exactly what I would call big.

    When is your birthday?:
    15 January! Hint!

    Who is your best friend?:
    She's such a Hussy, a good lao por and comes in the colour RED. Familiar?

    The Letter C
    What’s your favorite candy?:
    CHOCOLATES! yum yum

    The Letter D
    Do you daydream?:
    That's what all my teachers say.

    What’s your favorite kind of dog?:

    What day of the week is it?:

    The Letter E
    How do you like your eggs?:
    Half Boiled. :D I like runny eggs.

    Have you ever been in the emergency room?:

    What’s the easiest thing ever to do?:
    Gossiping without feeling guilty.

    The Letter F
    Have you ever flown in a plane?:
    Nowadays, who hasn't?

    Do you use fly swatters?:
    Eww no. I hate squashed insects.

    Have you ever used a foghorn?:
    A what horn?

    The Letter G
    Do you chew gum?:
    Only when I'm out of the country.

    Are you a giver or a taker?:
    Ha, taker.

    Do you like gummy candies?:
    Nyah. I find them too sweet.

    The Letter H
    How are you?:
    I have no clue. Sick I guess.

    What color is your hair?:

    The Letter I
    What’s your favorite ice cream?:
    CHOCOLATE! And maybe a hint of strawberry.

    Have you ever ice skated?:
    Of course!
    Tempting! I haven't gone in ages.

    Do you play an instrument?:
    I used to play the piano. Now, thinking of taking classes again.

    The Letter J
    What’s your favorite jelly bean brand?:
    Erm... No idea! I don't eat jellies.

    Do you wear jewelry?:
    Ear studs.

    The Letter K
    Who do you want to kill?:

    Do you want kids?:
    LOL! Not now. But yeah.

    Where did you go for kindergarten?:
    PAP! But I was only there for half a year in K2.

    The Letter L
    Are you laid back?:
    Yeah. Pretty much.

    Do you lie?:
    All of the time. You just don't know when.

    The Letter M
    Whats your favorite movie?:
    Dunno. Haven't watched a good movie in ages. But for now, I guess it would be First Daughter.

    Do you still watch Disney movies?:
    YEAH! I love DISNEY!

    Do you like mangos/mangoes?:

    The Letter N
    Do you have a nickname?:
    Lornie, LornyPornyHorny, Lao Gong, Slutty, Nemo, Wifey...

    What is your real name?:
    YeoWen....Lorna. :D

    Whats your favorite number?:
    15! Fifteen!

    Do you prefer night over day?:
    Nope. It creeps me out when I try to read horror stories.

    The Letter O
    What’s your one wish?:
    For my family to be happy.

    The Letter P
    What one fear are you most paranoid about?:
    Erm things that go bump in the night. It freaks me out big time!

    What’s a personality trait you look for in people?:

    The Letter Q
    What’s your favorite quote?:
    I have no clue.

    Are you quick to judge people?:
    In fact, too quick. Sometimes I hate that of myself.

    The Letter R
    Do you think you’re always right?:
    Haha yeah. And I do it consciously.

    Are you one to cry?:
    Hmm yeah. Quite.

    The Letter S
    Do you prefer sun or rain?:
    Rain! I can't stand heat.

    Do you like snow?:
    YES! Although it'll be freezing cold.

    What’s your favorite season?:
    Spring. I love the smell of blooming flowers.

    The Letter T
    What time is it?:
    9.55 am.

    What time did you wake up?:
    8.30 am. It's supposedly a school day.

    When was the last time you slept in a tent?:
    YEARS! Literally!

    The Letter U
    Are you wearing underwear?:
    Of course.

    Underwear or boxers?:
    Lol! Underwear.

    The Letter V
    What’s the worst veggie?:
    Those which squirt out all the juice when you bite on them. Urgh.

    Where do you want to go on vacation?:

    The Letter W
    What’s your worst habit?:
    Sleeping late.

    Where do you live?:
    Somewhere where the hills are green.

    What’s your worst fear?:
    COCKROACHES! And Transylvania.

    The Letter X
    Have you ever had an x-ray?:
    Yup! For braces and for many other things.

    Have you seen the x-games?:
    Nope. Not much of a sports fanatic.

    Do you own a xylophone?:
    LMAO. Nope.

    The Letter Y
    Do you like the color yellow?:
    Yeah. But not too bright.

    What’s one thing you yearn for?:

    The Letter Z
    Whats your zodiac sign?:

    Do you believe in the zodiac?:
    Sometimes. They could be right.

    Favorite zoo animal?:
    Haha don't ask me to choose! I'm a die hard animal lover.

    Friday, May 16, 2008
    CAP/RIP / 9:43 PM

    The talks today were interesting! PLUS: I BROUGHT TOFU TO SCHOOL! But he almost made me sleep in the auditorium during the talks. And I'm taking forever to finish "The Historian". Mainly because it's talking about creatures of the night and somehow I only have time to read it at night, so it gives me the creeps. And once I fled to my parents room cause I heard weird crackling noises. And I admit that I'm a wimp.

    RIP: Rise ... ... Forgot it. Whoops. And Chua Yi Chian aka Hussy aka LaoPor aka Baboon kept stealing Tofu away! And I think about 3 people kissed him unintentionally today. Eww. Everyone's saliva! And I dont think i will get my intended "Teddy hold Roses" tattoo anymore. Cause what if I get fat suddenly and my skin stretches. Then it will be totally ruined! So maybe on my arm or somewhere on my back. And I want a NAVEL PIERCING! Been wanting a metallic pink one for ages. Haha, I'm a wild child! But I'm scared of the pain! It's like piercing one of the more sensitive parts of the body. Plus, my mum would kick me out of the house if I did get one. So waiting until I'm old and haggard. Maybe when we return on the 10,000th day, you'll see me with one. Who knows?

    Tomorrow there's training. And heard it's going to be tough. Bleh! Hope I don't fall out from the rest of the group. Plus, it's no longer 4 but 5 rounds. I think I'm going to DIE! But maybe we can perceive it as a pre-training for our NAPFA test later on this year. And have to work on SBJ and Pull Ups too. More netball on Monday-Wednesday-Friday/9-12. Ok... Looking forward to it I guess. Plus, I think I've been deprived of netball. I was like so eager to get into court on Games Day. Sigh... only played 2 halves though. And Nobel is losing. We have to pick up the pace at Sports day. Gah! Faraday with their constant wins puts them 100 points above Nobel. Which is frustrating cause Faraday always wins. Although I'm not cheering Fibo on either. GO NOBEL!

    And 306 ROCKS! Although we never seem to see each other these few days. Sigh. And please check your emails for the groupings for our SL project. Thanks!

    Thursday, May 15, 2008
    / 9:39 PM

    Went out with Dinnie, Douglas, Joel, Hayden, Eric today! Supposedly, Joyce and JiWon were supposed to be there too but something cropped up for JW and JY was feeling sleepy. So, i was basically the only girl there! I felt... out. Haha. Watched "What Happens In Vegas" It was ok, because Dinnie was spoiling it for me as he had watched it already. And mostly everyone looks the same! Except taller, with loads more pimples. Hah:D Then we ran into a few other people too! YingXue and Vanessa and Evelyn. So sad that WanLin couldn't come. Boo... she had training. ):

    Yay! Go Nobel B DIV :D Although didn't contribute much. ;D and i think Nobel is still third overall. Again, it's the battle of Fibo and Fara. But hoping Fibo will win cause Fara is in the lead with 2 wins. And it could be beneficial to Nobel too. And who knew basketball could be so rough?! It was quite scary watching from the sidelines. Everyone was tumbling over each other, literally.

    And I'm taking Geog and Art! Art i'm confirmed, but Geog i'm still on the waitlist. At least this is only the first round. I'll try harder on the second round. Thanks so much Wifey! :D Appreciate it. <3

    Thursday, May 8, 2008
    Upendi! / 11:22 PM

    harhar. i feel bimbo-ish. haha! :D it's like still the same feeling after every exam. not too good, work harder, next sem fail again, work harder... blah!

    hehe seems that people are enjoying themselves! me too! i think sec 3 life is like a total flip-over. it's like chian's stomach, flipping in and out. sometimes it rocks, sometimes it's totally miserable.

    hehe and getting addicted to neopets. :D but not in a good way. bwahaha. feel like a kid again!