


Bella's Lullaby River Flows In You - Yiruma
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    October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 December 2008

    designer: darkdegree
    partofthecodes: detonatedlove
    images: moargh
    textues: peachinparis
    icons: threemoresteps

    Thursday, July 31, 2008
    It's a RANTING DAY! / 8:41 PM

    Today was more or less a ranting day. Everyone was ranting to me. Chian, Joanna, Timo. And I myself to chian. And timo and YQ are gay! :D Thanks to moi!

    Lalala. Facebooking now. Shall update tmr! GO NOBEL! :D

    Wednesday, July 30, 2008
    DISC / 8:17 PM

    The talk today was interesting. LOL DISC.
    I'm more I than anything else.
    I feel that the 201'07 girls really complimented each other!
    Roslyn was D
    I was I
    Chian was S
    Annabeth and Xinyi were C
    Genevieve is a mixture.

    Hah! :D I think it really really told us something. But couldn't get the first part of what she was talking about. Netball is LAST TRAINING! Boo! And the shirt for coach is nice :D

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008
    99% Cocoa Choc, Anyone? / 7:30 PM

    YaY! So shall blog about yesterday and today.

    MONDAY; 28 JULY 2008
    Yesterday got back physics quiz. SUCK! Anyways, like halfway during physics I got a text from wifey and she said that lizzie was HERE! Like IN OUR SCHOOL! I was sooo happy that I started jumping up and down in my seat! So after physics ended early, I ran all the way to 01, dragging poor jojo along with me! I was soo happy that I ended up hugging a dirty pillar!

    So then we went back to class because they had around another 10 more minutes left. So at 10.30 I rushed out, this time pulling chian along, but she didn't feel like going so we went back to class. Then everyone was snacking on our racial harmony prizes! Then those evil people! There was this really really nice looking chocolate sitting at my desk.It was even wrapped in gold foil! Then YQ said it was specially imported from Switzerland and the rest of them were like, "try! it's damn good". So I unwittingly, put a seemingly small piece of it into my mouth and chewed, and chewed, and chewed. Next thing I know I was gobbling chips by the dozen and sucking on those honey flavoured sweets that came with. That person who put that chocolate in our prize was just EVIL!

    Haha, so lizzie came over! She seemed more or less the same! Just that she added highlights. Then I did the same thing over with chian, hafizah, xinyi, eugenia, han siang, shane. :D Aren't we evil people? Lizzie had the worst. There were around 12 huge squares? So I purposely asked her to take a HUGE CHUNK! Lol, the poor girl couldn't swallow her saliva even after she spit that horrible thing out. Haha, she says it will be the most memorable greeting that she has and will ever have in a long long time. Yup, moments later I saw PHS scrambling into the toilet. Same reaction. LOL.

    We went to get lizzie food because the poor girl didn't have any sweets to overcome the taste. So she got her traditional 2 hotdogs with mustard and ketchup. That girl can EAT! Oh she grew from 6'5 to 6'8. TALLIE! And well, me standing next to xinyi, eugenia and lizzie isn't exactly a pretty sight. HEHE:D Let the good times roll. So they had to rush off to the chemistry lab and poor girl was being pulled along. I think lizzie has a terrible fate with us two hanging around her. After that, it was a more or less boring day. Watched people play pokemon! I wanna learn! I only collected cards last time.

    TUESDAY; 29 JULY 2008
    Hmm, today was more or less the usual too. Nothing much happened. OH NAPFA! The sub teacher didn't let me get my C for SBJ. I jumped 164 and 165 is a C for 15 year olds.
    SHEESH! Petty much? And well, I only did 12 incline. The story goes like this. I was smiling at ros, she smiled back. I laughed, she laughed. I come tumbling down. LOL! :D So glad ros is back! And I did a chin up! YAY! My shuttle run was screwed. 11.8sec? DARN SLOW! I wanna retake. That means my beach run has to get an A.

    Oh yeah, shot one hoop today! Bball that is. Chian was sian so she didn't shoot. So, I only shot one and it went in! Yay! :D Then we were groaning because we had this huge temptation to play netball. Or at least shoot into the netball hoop. Hmm, I'm sooo glad there's training tmr. But also damn sad because coach is leaving us for Switzerland! BOO! Hope she comes back to us next year. Or at least before I graduate. I wanna play with her again! Especially that new game she taught us. It was really fun!

    Oh yeah did one-to-one talks with naomi and fabia today! Sabrina is L-O-U-D! And her inferential skills are not bad. LOL! Hmph! Fabia's one is cuter but mine looks nicer overall! :DDDD Ok, shall ignore that part. Yay! Naomi is my lunch buddy.


    Pretty lotus in full bloom

    My messy messy table

    The aluminium foil merlion! It's really cool!

    PS. Aww, scared for Trigo test tmr.
    PSPS. Oh yeah, get well soon DADDY!

    Saturday, July 26, 2008

    Today's DSA camp was fun! :D

    My station was designed for the kids team work and strategy and basically who would step up and be a leader. Some I didn't like, others I really really liked!

    Haha and I went for a personal roller coaster ride! WHOOPEE:D

    -lazy to edit-

    And chian found my lost book! :D

    Friday, July 25, 2008
    Netball! / 7:51 PM

    Yay! Today was a short day. Hmm, the rest of the day was quite boring. Mr chia is a nice teacher! Ms clara kong too! Erm, some drama went on in J.ang's class. oO and well we didn't win the debate but heck we got that far! The talk by Dr Henry Miller was a little boring but really nice if I hasn't been so sleepy. I almost slept, but I got awaken by biscuits! :D

    Netball was fun! Did PT's at first, while people were marching. oO Felt kinda awkward. Anyways, we finally got through it and we played games! Yay! Wish we could play every time! Our group got into the finals but lost miserably in 2 mins and 11 seconds. Oh well, we clinched 2nd! :D The last game was some game where we had to practice throwing and catching over the court. That was fun! I think played it about like 5 times? "Coach , 'last' game PLEASE??" LOL!

    Thursday, July 24, 2008
    My New Band / 7:06 PM

    Anyone creating a new band out there but doesn't know how your band name should sound like? No worries! I've found a full proof solution!

    1 - Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

    2 - Go to Random Quotations: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3. The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

    3 - Go to flickr’s “Explore The Last Seven Days” http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

    Mine turned out to be this.

    Utility Sound Technician

    "With his own wings"

    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    It's harder than it looks!
    Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own.
    Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
    They have to be real places, names &/or objects, and nothing made up!
    Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial.
    You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
    And Have Fun With It!!!

    FYI, my name starts with a L. ;D


    2) BOY NAME: Lionel. (never going to name anyone that!)

    3) GIRL NAME: Lucy. (was thinking of narnia!)

    4) OCCUPATION: Lawyer. LIQUIDATOR!(something to do with the law too)

    5) A COLOR: Lavender. LAZULI! (it's a real pretty blue)

    6) SOMETHING YOU WEAR: leggings :O

    7) BEVERAGE: limoncello. (it's lemon liqueur)

    8) FOOD: LARD LOBSTER :D (yummy)

    9) SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: LOOFAH! (sounds weird but it's that sponge thing you use to scrub your body with)

    10) A PLACE: Las Vegas!

    11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: looking for lost tooth!

    12) SOMETHING YOU SHOUT: LLAMA!(pwntyourass!)

    13) A SHOW THAT YOU WATCH: Little People Big World. (ITS NICE!)

    I tag

    1) Hafizah!
    2) Fabia!
    3) Joanna!
    4) Jerlin!
    5) John!

    Lol, 3 people with the same starting letter for their name. See how that will turn out! xD

    POWER CHAIN! / 6:51 PM

    Power chain time! I got my new power chains! It hurts loads though. And I happened to invite the colour crazy CHIAN to help me choose and I end up with bright neon green on top and purple below. If you guys don't know how or what a power chain looks like.

    Yup. So it hurts loads now. Like the first time I put on braces. Sheesh! Gobbling down ice so that my mouth feels numb and soothed. Thanks for all concern people!

    So today we had NAPFA 5 Stations. Actually, we only did 2 because of time constraints. We did the sit-up and sit and reach stations. I scored the minimum in A for both stations. Haha, the sit-ups I was lazy so stopped at 31. The first time for SAR I got 44. The next time I got 45. Then the VERY LAST TIME, thanks to PHS, he pushed my all the way down so I got 46! :D I GOT MY A! Me and naomi wanted to celebrate by giving each other AA batteries for our accomplishment! LOL:D But she wanted to wait until we got AAA so it would be better! Haha! ;D She's sooo funny.

    And an ant was doing a dance on Janice's table. oO I know. Random right? It was quite cute though. And it became my pet for like 20 minutes until the other girls wanted to kill it so I quickly blew it off the table for it to avoid being squished. But someday, someone would step on it. So I said BYE! And then we talked about decapitating roller coasters and horror movies. I LOVE MY CLASS! <3 style="font-size:180%;">CONGRATS TO ANG KU KUEHS, BANANAS and CHOCOLATES for their VICTORY OVER ACSI! :D
    sorry couldn't be there to support or play. but I guess you guys don't need me. :D

    PS. Appreciate concern people!

    Monday, July 21, 2008
    Moody. / 7:46 PM

    Ok, mood swing day. Was swinging pretty bad. I felt exhausted after school.

    You guys are really something. You always make other feel bad about themselves and are really hypocritical. You keep manipulating people like me into what you want us to do just because you have the authority and then the next moment you cast us aside like trash. What are we to you? Friends or just something that you can use over and over again for your OWN needs? I'm damn freaking sick of listening to you all day. You say that you don't want to be with her and you come stick to me. Yet every time in class you leave me all alone and you go out with her. What the hell?! For everyone's sake please stop that ignorant act. It doesn't work now. You can lie and trick everyone that you want but please leave me out of your deceit game. I don't want to have anything to do with you after this. Go suck up all you want and kiss ass. I'm not going to be there for you to wipe your dirty face all over me again. If this sounds like you, then if you still want me as your friend, do something about it. If not, I'm not a whimpering dog that will go to you every time I need help. I have real friends that I can count on. And it sure isn't you now.

    And another one. Stop harrassing me! Am I serious that kind of cheap dirt that will answer to your every question? If you seriously ask me that question one more time, I'm so going to tell some people that may ruin your life for good. I'm not your best friend and I have the right to not tell you stuff. And I don't go there every night ok. So please, act your age and wise up. You don't get friends by asking those questions. So what if I'm the only one that will talk to you about that stuff? There's a reason why no one talks about it. OPEN YOUR EYES! READ THIS CAREFULLY! I"M NOT INTERESTED IN BEING FRIENDS WITH YOU! At least not when every conversation you have with me is ruined by a stupid question.

    Yay, ranting is done. Shall go do homework now. Bye!

    Tuesday, July 15, 2008
    Eesh. / 7:58 PM

    I freaking tired. I wanna just plop down on a nice fluffy cloud in heaven now. Hmm, what happened today was, nothing. Lol! I have a new boyfriend! :D And I LOVE HIM TO DEATH! And it's not John Kwok... ITS MY FULLSCAP!

    I can't bring coco to school, SO I SHALL LOVE MY NEWLY DECORATED FULLSCAP! :D
    So, I'm bored and I shall entertain myself with another 100 question quiz. oO

    1. Who was the person who last called you, and why?
    My mum. She wanted to know if I had gone home already.

    2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
    Nope. Unless it hangs on me.

    3. What happened at 10.00am today?
    We were discussing the points for having a school uniform or not.

    4. When did you last cry?
    Lol, last night? I was sleeping and I was frustrated that everyone rushed me out suddenly and I was still dazed. My mum was even more shocked!

    5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
    NOTHING:D I eat peanut butter by the finger-full.

    6. What do you want in your life right now?
    For the bottomless pit of homework to have a bottom.

    7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
    I carry an umbrella.

    8. What's your favourite thing to do before you go to bed?
    Watch shows snug in my bed.

    9. What are you wearing right now?
    My formal school uniform.

    10. What does the nicest text message in your inbox say?
    Erm, I don't have my phone right now.

    11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
    Haha yup.

    12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
    Nope. I never borrow clothes.

    13. What was the last movie you caught?
    Should be Hancock.

    14. What are you proud of?
    The fact that I have a lipid-bilayer.

    15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
    I don't have my phone.

    16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
    8th World Wonder.

    17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
    Lornie, LorniePornyHorny, Hubby, Laogong, Slutty.

    18. What does the last text message you received say?
    I don't have my phone.

    19. What time did you go to bed last night?

    20. What makes you happy?
    My family, coco and my besties.

    21. Who gives you the best advice?
    Hmm, coco?

    22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
    Haha tried once. Splurted on my face.

    23. Who did you talk to on the phone last night?

    24. Is anything bugging you right now?
    The amount of homework.

    25. What/Who was the last thing/person that made you laugh?
    Erm, playing werewolf?

    26. Do you wear toe socks?
    Eww, I think they look disgusting.

    27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?

    28. What's your favourite fruit?
    DURIAN! Haha, maybe mangosteen?

    29. What annoys you most in a person?
    No "cow" sense.

    30. What do you admire most in a person?

    31. Have you ever done cocaine?

    32. What is the colour of your room?
    Off white.

    33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
    Of course. The world isn't a pretty place my friend.

    34. Do you believe in the saying 'talk is cheap'?
    Nope. Talk gets you big bucks!

    35. Who was the last person to lay on your bed?

    36. Who was the last person to e-mail you?
    Erm, dunno.

    37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
    Hmm I've never kissed before.

    38. Do you have a life?
    I'm living, aren't I? But I guess I don't have a regular teenager life.

    39. Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't?
    Nope. But' I've dreamt about it.

    40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
    Profile song?

    41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
    My dad.

    42. Last time you smiled?

    43. Have you changed this year?
    Hmm no idea.

    44. What are you listening to right now?
    When I Grow Up-Pussycat Dolls

    45. Are you talking to someone while you're doing this?

    46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
    Open, obviously.

    47. Is there a quote you live by?
    "If it squirms, it’s Biology. If it stinks, it’s Chemistry. If it doesn’t work, it’s Physics and if you can’t understand it, it’s Mathematics."

    48. Do you want someone you can't have?
    Haha, HHH! Or Cena.

    49. Have you ever played an instrument?

    50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
    Lol, I don't really remember ideas.

    51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
    Doing chinese.

    52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
    I don't have one.

    53. Do you like receiving flowers?
    Nope. They die easily and I hate fake ones.

    54. Are you gay?

    55. Who are the people who always make you laugh?

    56. Do you speak another language other than English?

    57. Are you blonde?

    58. What's your middle name?

    59. What are you doing tomorrow?

    60. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

    61. Who will you choose to die with?
    No one!

    62. Where have you been today?

    63. What game do you play often?
    Werewolf, bridge.

    64. Who are you missing right now?
    No one.

    65. If you were to choose between friends and love, who will you choose?

    666. Pay your respects to Satan and his minions.
    Okay. American superstition.

    67. Which primary school are you from?
    Bukit Timah.

    68. Name 3 colours that you like.
    Red, Green, Blue.

    I think only people with sick minds would understand.

    70. What is life to you?

    71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
    Listen to music.

    72. Who did you last chat with in MSN today?

    73. Who do you admire most?

    74. Which month are you born in?

    75. What are your favourite movies?
    Eesh, this quiz is getting way too long.

    76. What is the time now?

    77. Where are you now?
    At home.

    78. What colour did you use to dye your hair?
    I have never.

    79. Why are you doing this test?
    The plain reason that I'm bored.

    80. What do you do when you're moody?
    Listen to music.

    81. At which age do you wish to get married?

    82. Which is more important to you, family or friends?

    83. Do you think you have enough confidence?

    84. Who is the person you trust the most?

    85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?

    86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
    Eh. No idea.
    87. What is your goal for this year?
    A good CAP

    88. Do you believe in eternal love?
    No. Everyone dies.

    89. What feeling do you love most?

    90. Do you believe in global warming?
    LOL. Yes.

    91. What feeling do you hate the most?

    92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

    93. Do you believe in God?

    94. Who cares for you the most?
    My parents.

    95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
    Studies, I guess.

    96. What'll you bring when you fight?
    A broadsword.

    97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
    Almost everything up to this point? Including this quiz.

    98. Coffee or tea?

    99. What would you do if your significant other cheated on you?
    Say "so long, motherfucker!". Damnit I just need an excuse to say that sometime.

    100. What do you want now?
    This stupid quiz to end. OH HOORAY.

    I shall not be bothered anymore. BUT FOR THE LONG LONG LONG WAIT! Here's my new BF!

    Try finding my name.

    This is what it looks like

    And for extras here are the four angels that represent my family!

    Lorna; Daddy; Mummy; Tiffany.

    Monday, July 14, 2008
    Yay for me! / 8:39 PM

    Yay!:D I'm a good girl. I've handed in MOST of my homework early. Just that I couldn't get around finishing my chinese. But I finished math tutorials a day earlier and physics thermo practical. :D

    Trigonometry Tutorials(monday)
    Functions Tutorials(monday)

    Chinese "Si Han"(monday)
    Chinese "SuiBi"(monday)
    Chinese "JianBao"(monday)

    Physics Thermo Lab Practical(tuesday)
    Chemistry Worksheet(tuesday)
    English Journal(wednesday)
    Biology Lab Practical(thursday)
    Functions Class Test(thursday)
    Functions Assignment(thursday)
    English Essay(friday)

    Today was well, today. We did the new seating arrangement and well, glad to say that there's no violent objections. Urgh, mr tang is really putting stress on my these days. I need to get a duty roster up. Hmm, 306 don't be angry with your placements! It's for convenience sake. Plus, we should encourage more class bonding time together! So, please please PLEASE do your duties punctually and regularly. It's really hard to keep track of everyone. I have totally no clue what is happening tomorrow except that I hope it rains in the late morning so we can do the less tiring 8 minute run instead of the actual dreaded 2.4 run.

    Yup, thats all I have for today. Except that I seem to be staying longer and longer each time I wait for my parents to fetch me. This time was 6.30pm. Apparently, they are really really stressed about their never-ending workload too. Ah, does life never end? Eesh, and I really hope my sis can go into a good school. I don't want her to turn into those bimbotic girls in main-stream schools. She's really prone to peer pressure. D: And she's a GOOD GIRL! She's hardworking, sweet, kind... lol you get the idea. Whatever school she goes to I'll help her in the best way that I can. :D


    Sunday, July 13, 2008
    30 minute break / 6:11 PM

    Ah. My 30 minute break from doing math tutorials will be used for going to the toilet, eating biscuits and drinking milk and posting this quiz for self-relief.

    [x]I like at least one shade of pink. (yay! :D i think i like at least ten)
    [x] I don't like being messy (oh hell yeah)
    [x] My belongings are organized (haha refer to above)
    [ ] I don't like rock music. (i actually prefer it nowadays)
    [x] I like wearing accessories. (depends on occasion)
    [ ] Bright colors amaze me.(no, they blind me)
    [ ] I hate black. (black is nice)
    [ ] I go to the salon once a week. (lol no way! my hair is dead enough)
    [x] I comb my hair almost all the time. (mmhmm! no denying that.)
    [x] I bring my phone with me everywhere.(who doesn't?!)
    TOTAL: 6

    [ ] I wear baggy pants. (i dont do baggy or tight. i do fitted)
    [x] I play video games. (sometimes)
    [x] I listen to bands like Fall Out Boy, Yellowcard, Switchfoot, etc.(they're nice!)
    [x] I like wearing jackets with hoods. (some of them look girly and nice)
    [x] I'm too lazy to do chores.(very lazy)
    [ ] I don't like shopping. (i hate spending the money, but i love to window shop)
    [ ] I like to go bungee jumping. (I WANT!)
    [ ] I like being sweaty. (eww. i hate it. although, i'm getting used to it now)
    [ ] I'm a big fan of marvel heroes. (ahhem. annabeth's going to scream)
    [ ] I always wear perfume. (i'm not stinky!)
    TOTAL: 4

    Nerdy @-@
    [ ] I always carry a pen in my purse or pocket.
    [ ] I enjoy studying.
    [x] I wear glasses (is that nerdy?)
    [ ] I'm a straight-A student. (rubbish)
    [ ] I've never skipped any class in my whole life (skipped some. but not school-wise)
    [ ] I like my shirt tucked in.
    [x] One of My favorite subject is science.(bio to be exact!)
    [x] I like reading books.(to de-stress)
    [ ] My assignments are passed up on time.(not all of the time)
    TOTAL: 3

    [x] I love the color black. (i dont love it, i dont hate it, i'm neutral)
    [ ] I always sit at the corner. (reminds me of Hayden's joke)
    [ ] One side of my hair is covering one of my eyes. (nope. i tuck it behind my ears when it gets in my way.)
    [ ] I like listening to metal rock music.(too... loud)
    [ ] I have a lot of problems in my life.
    [ ] I don't talk much.(maybe, but according to ros, I make noise harmlessy)
    [ ] I don't have that much friends.(haha!)
    [ ] I barely have fun.(that remains to be seen)
    [ ] I barely go out with my folks or friends.(i always go out with them!)
    TOTAL: 1

    [ ] I love to stare at the ceiling for ten minutes. (my eyes and neck get sore)
    [ ] I sleep with a stuff toy. (nyah. I ave sinus so can't have all those fluffy furry things beside me)
    [ ] I watch cartoons. (rarely)
    [x] I love to invent words only i understand.(oo! :D)
    [ ] I sleep with a night light. (i never did)
    [ ] My parents are the ones who choose my outfit. (if that happened, I would have died!)
    [ ] I'm scared of roller coasters.(NEVER!)
    [x] I like being with my family relatives.(YAY! :D)
    [ ] I take bubble baths. (i take showers now)
    [ ] I love Spongebob.(nyah. dont watch his shows)
    TOTAL: 2

    Multiply each score by 10:
    I'm 60% girly, 40% boyish, 30% nerdy, 10% emo and 120% childish.
    Hmm, that sums up to be 150%! Includes my favourite number 15! <3

    Thursday, July 10, 2008
    QUIZ to do :D / 6:36 PM

    Monday-forgot what happened.
    Tuesday-Played werewolf for the first time. FUN!
    Wednesday-Played werewolf again. This time not so fun.
    Thursday-Ahem. Not our best day.
    Friday-Street Netball! :D

    Today was boring! And PAINFUL! Because of cramps. Urgh. Was walking around with a hunch all day long. And John even wanted to poke me. SIAN SIAN SIAN! I love one on one talks :D:D:D:D thanks fiza!

    I think that English brought the three of us back together. We were laughing again and drawing all those weird stuff. Hmm, really hope it can last. Haha! *HS* *RE&MA* *RO&LO* Group joke so most people won't get it I guess. And Mariel and I were doing etchings with the penknife. And we were both feeling suicidal so we decided to use one long deep cut to kill the both of us together so the other one won't get too scared of the blood and try to not kill herself.

    Netball was fun! Although I almost ponned it. Xinyi and Hanisah persuaded me to stay for training. The most I could do was to ask coach if I could take a break because of cramps pain. Hmm, in the end it turned out to be easy peasy as coach was concentrating more on the teams that she was going to send into P.S. Hmm, I got to admit that our drills were really sloppy. We couldn't catch/throw properly. Eesh. Should practice more. Then wifey and I are going to try to practice her shooting. She's going to be a SHOOTER:D And I have a phobia of her shooting now. Lets just say her pass landed not in my hands but on my face. Oo Haha was tearing as it went straight to my nose. Then afterward when we went to the toilet to wash up, I couldn't stop sneezing. oO My nose is weird! But maybe it's because I have sinus. I seem to have a nact of letting balls pass my hands and land on my face. Mmhmm. I got hit in the face twice for two consecutive trainings. And numerous times before that. My face would be seriously scarred if I ever got into school team. Lol :D And if I do catch the ball, I sprain my fingers. Lol I've managed to sprain my index, middle and ring finger on my left hand and my middle and ring finger on my right hand. Kudos to me for being the clumsiest person on the team.

    Bought a math file and 3 COLOURED pens! Because I hate using mariel's ones to highlight all the different points. I got PINK BLUE GREEN! WHOOPEE:D I think I should get a new math file next week. The ones at home are getting really rusty. Eww.

    Homework this week:

    Trigonometry Tutorials(monday)
    Functions Tutorials(monday)
    Chinese "Si Han"(monday)
    Chinese "SuiBi"(monday)
    Chinese "JianBao"(monday)
    Physics Thermo Lab Practical(tuesday)
    Chemistry Worksheet(tuesday)
    English Journal(wednesday)
    Biology Lab Practical(thursday)
    Functions Class Test(thursday)
    Functions Assignment(thursday)
    English Essay(friday)

    Yay, busy us.

    A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

    B) Tag 5 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.

    Continue this game by sending it to other people.

    1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your first reaction be?
    First I'll be sad. Then a split second later, I'll find a way for him to experience pain, literally AND emotionally. :D

    2.If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
    To live in a really big house with lots of friends and family who will accompany until my demise.

    3. What will your dream wedding be like?
    To say our vows in the beach at sunset. Then the next day have a hell rocking reception where we dance the night away!

    4. Are you curious as to what lies ahead of you?
    I love surprises! So, yes and no.

    5. What's your ideal lover like?
    There are no ideal cases. D; But he would be sincere and funny.

    6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
    Being loved!

    7. What annoys you?
    Hmm... when people get angry for no apparent reason. AP.

    8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?forget about him?
    Lose him or lose myself.

    9.Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
    Loads. But class business so shall not disclose.

    10.Are you in love or being loved now?
    BOTH! Being loved by my family and loving my family in return! :D:D

    11. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
    Dying of cancer.

    12. Do you think that you are mentally sane?
    LOL! This is one for annabeth. Erm, I guess so?

    13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
    HeHe! SUPER CUTE! And fellow shortie :D

    14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
    Single and rich. If I'm married and poor, I'll ditch the guy right away. Plus, singles have more fun.

    15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
    Open my eyes.

    16. Would you give your all in a relationship?
    Hmm, good question. Not now, but in the future.

    17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
    Haha, the richer, cuter one. DUH!

    18.What's the problem you face with most of the time?
    Hmm, I don't like some people that I used to like the most

    19. What's your weakness?
    Being hypocritical at times.

    20. What would you name your children in future? (Give 1 boy, 1 girl)
    Alexis and Aaden. :D I love names that start with A

    TAG: Chian, Hafizah, Roslyn, John, Annabeth

    Tuesday, July 8, 2008
    No Stress, Dont Stress. / 7:53 PM

    Today is stressful. Today is fun.

    The painfully stresssful part about today was that chemistry was screwed! Didn't finish chem lab practical as I found out that my calculations were totally wrong which was stupid and well that was the main issue of the whole practical right? Then I managed to finish discussion and questions on time but I'm scared that my questions will do really badly because my answers were really short! But thanks to CHIAN (saviour!) I managed to finish my calculations and hand it in. Although it was already late if we handed it in past 9. Oo And the class was super funny during chem because we all wanted to postpone the quiz so we said in benefit of wayne and joanna that we have to postpone it. Aren't we lucky to have people that didn't come to school for the whole of the first week? :D

    Because of that lab practical, I didn't manage to finish my [ke qian lian xi] and it became what was known as [ke shang lian xi] and she's going to test us on the various meanings next week! Die. And still have to hand in JianBao. X.x

    I was also trying to sort out all admin stuff for the class. Duty roster, physics olympiad forms, sex ed forms, class seating arrangement etc. And AYQ is no help. Well, as punishment he's going to be doing more attendance taking! Ha! Now I can slack during assembly. :D

    The fun part about today was that during PE, me and chian were trying to overtake John and we won him by 2 rounds. Although he denies it. Then 306 was together again! YAY! :D:D:D:D I think that was the best part about PE. I love 306! Then I did SBJ. I can't jump. >< eesh. Well, silver ain't bad? Yay! Sit and reach! I got Janice's favourite number 42. But I need to get over 45 to get A. So much stretch! Tingyi was AMAZING! 54 cm in one sitting. I think she got up to 56 once?

    Then I rushed physics homework and then played werewolf. Lol got saboed in the "lovers" part. And something disgusting happened before the game. Ahhem. Shall not disclose private moments :D if not she would kill me.

    Yup, so today was stressful. Today was fun.

    Monday, July 7, 2008
    John's Birthday Celebration / 5:25 PM

    Okies, today went out with gang to watch Hancock and *get saboed* celebrate John Kwok's Birthday. ;D Quite fun lor. Brought sis along too!

    Hancock is NICE:D One scene is super touching and a little creepy at the same time. Shall not spoil.

    So met wifey at clementi (unexpectedly), then we took the train to TB. Chian told me that we were going to surprise the birthday boy today because we were going to get a cake. Then we met chian and ryan at the basement and suddenly they said that they wanted to wait until lunch for the cake. So I agreed. D; bad choice.

    Then the belated birthday boy came in bright yellow and bright baby blue. LOL! Damn bright! We all wore jeans while he wore shorts. =.- Then we went to buy tickets and John was unsuspecting of a plot that I assumed was a part of. Watch movie then ryan chased john into the food court while we snuck out of view to supposedly get the cake.

    To my horror/surprise, the cake said "John and Lorna, Forever" =.-!! Lol and it was the same cake as the one they bought for my birthday. Lucky for me, it was just a coincidence. So I was like *whatever* and went on with the thing. Just that the guy spelled my name as "Loma" because chian's hand-writing was way too spaced together. And they only got 2 hours to do the cake too, so kudos to them I guess?

    Then we brought up the cake to the food court. Then we sang happy birthday and munched down! Don't worry we've got a video which credit goes to my sis for taking it. And pictures too! All thanks to our great photographer/videographer TIFFANY YEO YU LING! APPLAUD :D:D:D

    Ok pictures! Didn't take many though.

    Yay! Three besties!

    Our shy photographer

    Can you spot the mistake?

    Ryan, John, Chian, Lorna, Xinyi

    Camwhoring in the toilet

    Candid Shot!

    The birthday boy looks glum

    Cake Shot 1

    Cake Shot 2

    Cake Shot 3

    Cake Shot 4

    And video! Of the cake transport service. Sorry, very shaky because we were rushing. And it was sort of awkward because we were like lighting flames in front of crowds of rushing people and they were all staring at us like we were dangerous or something.

    Chian-Cake Carrier
    Xinyi-Candle Handler

    Sunday, July 6, 2008
    HCI INSPIRE'08 Concert / 10:24 AM

    Ooh! Going to that HCI INSPIRE Concert with wifey was BEST!

    We missed the first few acts because I was seriously lost. HC is damn BIG! Like you won't even know how big it is till you actually experience it. Oo So we eventually found each other at the clock tower because it was the only landmark which we could both see. She said to meet me at the track but it was way too dark and the track was sort of concave inwards to the ground so we couldn't see it.

    I was wearing flats that were a little too big for me and wifey was wearing short heels so both of us were like rendered immobile for sometime because we had to run and it was quite difficult. When we eventually reached the auditorium, Melissa Loo was playing her solo piece on the piano. Honestly, it was a little boring. I can't stay awake at classical concerts unless it's the whole orchestra. I never ever listen to solo pieces, especially if they're extremely long.

    But she was done and we moved on to the next act of the day which was DancePointe Singapore. They were sooo cool! I want to join! But I'm way too old. So I'm recommending to any young little girl who loves to dance to go join them! Yup, they performed a contemporary number called "Ignite", a polish dance and a Disney dance. That contemporary number was really really nice! Although they were a little uncoordinated. The polish dance was a little unusual because we rarely see any traditional folk dance. But the skirts were nice! The last act was the little girls dancing in Classical Disney! AWW THEY WERE SO CUTE! I think the oldest was 5? They were seriously cute. Everybody was like "awww". They danced to Bibbity Bobbity Boop. AH! SO NICE :D:D:D Then when the lights went dark again, they all screamed. Lol, sooo cute!

    Next was Funk Faction Crew. They're dance moves were super smooth! Bboying is sooo hot! I especially like the one in white xD Why can't our school have acts like these in our concerts? Ah they were super super super cool! Then next were the Killjoys. Monica's voice was super nice! I want her voice! Haha, their first song was "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz then me and wifey was like all hyper and everything!

    Next act was Sheena and Shermaine Goh. Lol, I prefer Sheena's voice. They're twins that participated in Campus Superstar. They sang pretty well! They could go really high for really long!

    RJ Jazz band was next and the lead singer was damn hot! I booked him! Then wifey booked the lead guitarist. Haha! But the lead singer is DAMN TALL. I doubt he will like me. D; Hehe, the lead guitarist is also super duper filthy rich. His guitar was like in the shape of a fire. HOT! And he likes checkered things too. The lead singer likes billabong! We infered that ;D

    And lastly it was Stella Story! OMFG! They're freaking hot! I booked the drummer this time. Wifey got the lead singer. Haha, we were all like drooling over them. xD The drummer is also tall! He's damn hot! HOT HOT HOT! He wears a hairband too. xD They're damn hot! Should go look at their Myspace Page. They have great originals.

    Ok have to go already! Bye Bye :D Shall post the return journey some other time. Where me and wifey were taking a long long long tour of HCI looking for my father's car.

    Wednesday, July 2, 2008
    BADMINTON! / 6:55 PM

    Hehe. Today was dreaded, as will be tomorrow. Roslyn has oral and I haven't finished my flipbook. And suibi. Shall chiong ah! :D I bet I'll be able to finish AND get enough sleep. ok maybe too ambitious. J.Ang's thermometer was C-O-O-O-O-O-L. But in the end he didn't ask us how it works. Oo The colours were pretty though! Then it was english. Was hungry by then! I tend to eat small portions of food throughout the day and never ever finish all those main courses which you are supposed to eat. Maybe thats why I earned a lipid bilayer [the trilayer is disappearing cause of netball. ); boo].

    And then was house meeting. Why doesn't Nobel ever get enthusiastic anymore? Then timo was smsing me without a clue that I was just sitting like 1m away from him? Then took a nice shoe picture with WIFEY :D:D:D SHE HAS THE NICEST ASICS SHOE! I WANT THAT COLOUR! D; Ah well, mine and hers kinda compliment each other nicely. Her's is white and pink. Mine is grey and blue. And speaking about shoes, me and laopo/hussy are going to get matchy matchy shoes at the end of the year! Dunno which one to get though. And I'll save my Asics for netball/running/2.4 run blah blah. And my phone is turning one year old in 50 days time! WOOHOO! :D But I need to wait until my sis is sec one. The logic is that if she gets a new phone, I'll plead my parents to get me one too. It'll so totally work on them. HEHEHEHEHE ;D

    And I'm starting to find S-O-M-E people annoying. YapYapYap none stop. Give me a break! Kind of reminds me of someone that used to do that(hinthint hussy), but now I'm ok with that person. This one is much more irritating. AND I DONT EVEN SEE THAT PERSON MUCH. Why does everyone think that I'm still... ...? I might be but then it wasn't as serious as the last time. I think I seriously need something else to focus my attention on. Send me something!

    Urgh. I'm torn.
    Hancock or Netball?
    3 or 4?
    Blah or bLAH?
    Souljaboy. Ha. (random)
    Coco or Hussy? HaHa. (too random)
    Mummy or Mummy? HaHaHa. (1st august hint.)

    Badminton was a nice change. Although it's really hard to play in formal. And a little disgusting too(ahemhem wifey? ;D). Reminds me of 101 days. And Mr George Tan! Always used to play right before his classes. Mwahaha. Then he would chase us out of the class until we were dry because it would stink up the whole class. xD Hmm, good ol days. And the mentoring activity was fun. abcdefghijKLMNopqrstuvwxyz. rocks! And they say we need dilligence. HA! Ok maybe we do. And surprisingly, everyone was thinking in the same mind and we didn't argue at all.

    FYI: Group members were Kyle, Lorna, Mariel, Naomi. Figure that out.

    So off I go... leading my boring little sweet life that tortures me everyday. D; :D

    PS. Ros you self-mutilate. And 100th post on this blog! WOOPEE

    I have discriminating photos of one C-H-U-A-Y-I-C-H-I-A-N!

    Actually I look worse. Hehe:D So shall not post. Plus, she has shaky hands. And we have "shiny" surFACES. I don't think I'll ever get around to finish my suibi on time since I'm wasting time blogging instead of doing my flipbook. And Chem Prac. DIE. Hope I get acid burn on my fingers so that my report and all other homework would have to be delayed by one week or maybe more. :D interesting thought. but i'm scared of pain. and PHS thinks I enjoy pain because I used to do actions of slitting my wrist with penknife. he couldn't be more off. I HATE PAIN! BTW, my sis is getting her BCG somewhere near. Mwahaha. Now can hit her. And she's scared of needles. She hates body needles but loves oral ones. I opposite. I love body needles(no i dont do drugs) and hate oral ones. The thing why she loves oral ones was because her mouth was already numb and she couldn't feel the pain. In TOTAL denial! And this is a totally random piece of post so excuse me if I go onto another random story.

    OK! Shall go shower.

    -Essay Plan (AGAIN)
    -Thermo WS

    -Assessment of Flipbook
    -Chem WS?
    -Mechanics WS?
    -Functions/Trigo HW?
    -Art piece?

    OO. Busy Busy Busy me. Busy Busy as a bee.


    Tuesday, July 1, 2008
    I dont feel so alone now. / 6:37 PM

    Apparently people have the same feelings about something that I've been dwelling on for the past few months. Why are we sooo stupid? Urgh. Must get over. Must get over. Sheesh. What is wrong with me? I did this to myself right? So there's like regret and all that crap. I want to move on but it's been too hard. Its really been tough. But I guess I'll get over it somehow. Just gotta have faith right?

    P.S. go fizah and chian!