


Bella's Lullaby River Flows In You - Yiruma
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    Thursday, August 28, 2008
    Looks like everyones crammed! / 8:37 PM

    Rawr. I hate September holidays. Its the only time where we have excuses for finishing all our projects and teachers have excuses to give us consultations too.

    1230-1400hrs Survey taking for Project SPHERE (2nd round)
    1800-2030hrs Fetching Daddy from Airport!

    WHOLE Family Chalet.
    WOOHOO! :D

    0800-0900hrs Thermodynamics Consultation Slot
    1000-1200hrs Thermodynamics Thermometer Project
    1400-1600 hrs Chinese Skit Rehearsal

    The only free day that I have to catch up on everything.
    PLUS revise for all upcoming tests and quizzes and assignments.

    1000-1230hrs Year 3 Functions Remedial (compulsory)
    1300-1500hrs Chemistry Consultation Slot

    CIP Class Project. Project SPHERE.

    Death Day of one Yeo Wen Ling Lorna. :D

    Squeeze in a little netball trainings, occasional outings, NWSP refinalised proposal, Project [SPHERE] Logistics and Finalisation, tuition and you've got one heck of a busy week ahead. Ah yes, who doesn't love the holidays?

    Sunday, August 24, 2008
    DOUBLE Fs / 6:14 PM

    Truly Uniquely Singapore


    Yupyup. I woke up super early in the morning because I was like coughing non-stop. I think my allergies came back. I had a really hoarse voice for like 3 hours before the coughing eventually stopped. Then everyone woke up and was totally surprised that I was up so early because I usually am the last to get up. ;D I'm not a weekend morning person kay!

    Our Flyer ride was at 6 but we left the house at 4.30! My parents wanted to get there early so as to not meet with a traffic jam and we wouldn't have to wait like 3 hours for a parking lot. I got some shut-eye in the car because we had to drive all the way to Marina and the back seat area was really warm. So we arrived at the Singapore Flyer Center one hour early. We went for some shopping! We went to this shop called iemeno paris. They sell modern pieces with kimono fabrics. I bought a tank top while my sis bought a shirt. Supposedly, my sis thinks my arms look really really fat and flabby in that tank! Rawr! Anyway it was hand-painted and was designed after some kimono. My mom bought little trinkets that had kimono fabric enclosed into them. They were really really pretty! But my mum didn't allow me to get any because my shirt was way too expensive already.

    So after that, we went onto the flyer! Wow, once you get higher and higher, it really seems to scary me! It's like the barrel rotates to keep the whole thing straight as we move. As long as you are still, you can actually see the whole thing moving and rotating which is really scary! But the view is AWESOME! Well, if the IR was completed then it would be even more AWESOME! Right now, it just looks really brown.

    After 30 minutes, we went out to have dinner at some restaurant called Bistro Senso. It has really nice italian cuisine there too. And they have a unique way of preparing a bruschetta. But its 10^100 more times better than our schools one. Although their cheesecake is a little too rich for my taste. The creme brulee was fabulous! The caramelised sugar on top gave it crunch while the soft gooey custard below gave it texture. AH! THE JOY :D We took really long for dinner because the fireworks were only starting at 9. I think we took around 1 hour to eat?

    Next up were the fireworks! The showcase was from Korea and is world renowned. Wow but it really was spectacular. I mean, you gotta see it to believe it. They had light visuals ans dramatic music, although at one section they played "Da Chang Jin". That gave me the creeps as I have the whole series at home and my sister loves watching it so everytime I hear that music, I'll go hide in my room! I'm like really sick of it now. It was ONLY good for O-N-E time.

    Then after the fireworks, they had performances by Live The Dream contestants, Cats in a Cradle and the comedian from New York, Jason Escape. AH! LOVE IT ALL!

    Ok enough of me babbling! Shall upload some pictures.

    Amazing view of the Flyer from underneath

    Shot of the Flyer Top

    Rainy Day!

    The cabins that we were placed in

    Shot of Mum, Dad and Sister when we were first about to aboard

    Shot of me and sis

    Shot of me and daddy in the cabin

    Picture of me with Hotels in backdrop

    The hotels as mentioned above!

    My sister with Pan Pacific Hotel in backdrop

    Mummy and Daddy!

    Some of the scenery!

    Marina Golf Course

    The Esplanade and Marina Bay

    Currently Developing Integrated Resort

    Some of the cables that were holding us up!

    What the cabin looks like from below

    The core of the whole Flyer!

    The Flyer Center


    The F1 Race Track

    Beautiful Skyline!

    Managed to zoom all the way in and capture this guy!

    What the IR would look like when completed

    Miniature Model of Flyer

    Flyer at Night!

    Dedicated to all purple lovers! Such as CHUA YI CHIAN!

    I think it speaks for itself


    Friday, August 22, 2008

    WOW! When the other girls say that Coach Teo is going to turn us into bionic women, they weren't kidding! Today's training was reasonably tough. We did the normal training just that we had to run around the school for 10 minutes for warm up as the track was wet. Then we did some foot drills and headed off to do our standard pair ball drills. Then we started off slow with the square drills as many people couldn't catch the balls. She obviously was frustrated because she kept asking us to stand closer and closer.

    Then we almost had a game! But then it started to rain. The rain was FREEZING COLD! I wanted to run around in it all day as that type of rain doesn't come very often! Bleh! But in the end we played Coach Serene's game! The one where you tap a girl with the ball. Ah, so fun. Kudos to (small)Debra for running around so much! She was the last person left and she was like running all over the place trying to avoid us. Eventually she was tagged! xD

    Haha then came PTs. Firstly had to do wheelbarrow. I partnered with Warda though she was 4-kg! She did feel a little heavy. =X Anyways, we did that twice. Then we erm had to do squats against a wall. We had to sustain it for 3 1-minute interludes. I was half dead by the end of the second one. We sang the school song for the first one, "The more we get together" in English and Chinese for the second set and The Alphabet and "Baa Baa Black Sheep" for the last one. It somehow takes your mind off the pain in your thighs but it brings you right back again too. Then we did pair leg lifts and called it a day. Ah! I could barely bend and get my bag after everything. My thighs were literally trembling and you could see the flab shaking!

    PLUS! Ms Clara Kong is leaving for one year! BOO! =( Gonna miss her.
    PLUS PLUS! Timo tried the Tofu Cheesecake at Sun And Moon. WAHAHA! He loves it too!
    PLUS PLUS PLUS! I think I'm going crazy being close to CHUA YI CHIAN! 26.09 is my second favourite DAY! Against my birthday ;D

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008
    FINALLY! :D / 4:46 PM

    :O I've removed my relink thingy. So those who know, know and those who don't, don't. Please keep it that way! ;D Until I decide to let people see it again. oO
    Eh so today it's like really really fun! :D Although tomorrow will be a sucky day as I will fail physics for sure.

    First up was BIOLOGY! I was like totally rushing bio assignments 2&3 last night until 1. But I was sneaking in a few peeks for WWE so I wasn't really like total study mood. And well, ms fong extended the deadline for us! WHOOPIE! Although I could have handed in both today if I didn't have to rush up for art. We looked at FRUIT FLIES! Which are like totally gross alive. I HATE FRUIT FLIES! They like land on my breakfast when I'm not looking. Then I'd totally have no appetite to eat. Sheesh. Anyway getting off point. I sadistically knocked them out of consciousness with FlyNap. Apparently it had the power to knock us out if we breathed in too much of it too. And it was really stinky. :O Mutant flies are like seriously funny! Although for the most part their abdomens are shriveled because they were "oven-baked to perfection". My favourite were the dumpy wings and yellow bodied ones. The sepia eyes were also quite nice to look at too. The ebony ones just looked really charred! And ms fong gave us some details to other more grotesque mutants. Erm, which I will not comment on.

    Next was CHEMISTRY LAB! We did titration again. It never surprises me that it's always the mentor reps that have to make the sacrifices. Although mine was quite a nice sacrifice! I got partnered with Chen Pai and YQ got partnered with Kevin (again). So we all had to rush up to chemistry lab because YQ told us that we had to be there earlier. So everyone was like rushing up once the bell rang and thankfully for him, we all got there before 10.30am. The real reason why he wanted us to get there earlier (as we were notified later) was that he forgot his Lab Manual and then Ms Kong made a deal with him that if he could get the whole class to be here on time, she would spare him. LOL! So sneaky.

    Anyways Chen Pai is a great lab partner! We were the first ones to finish and all our results are pretty much the same except for a +-0.3 error. We did 6 trials and still had about 15 minutes leftover. I've got a feeling that Ms Kong would partner me with him again for the next lab practical. Which I wouldn't mind though. LOL.

    And art was COOL! Shall upload pictures maybe tmr. The art studio was way cool! The paintings and wire sculptures were so real. And there was this old lady whose drawing of an eye was sooo spooky! LOL! It's really life like. Plus, there's an extra spook factor. The light reflecting off it is actually a person screaming. Kinda like "One Missed Call" but even more artistic.

    OKIES! Shall go revise physics. Not alot of time to spare now! AH!

    Monday, August 18, 2008
    TOFU SUNDAE ;D / 4:34 PM

    Decided to give a change to my ever boring old blog again! ;D

    Monday, August 11, 2008
    Quiz! / 6:57 PM

    Bleh, chem prac is taking the life outta me. Shall do a scandalous quiz!

    40 little Secrets: Be honest no matter what.

    [ONE] Who were your last 3 texts from?
    elaine, chian, timo.

    [TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
    on the whiteboard of my classroom.

    [THREE] What's your middle initial?

    [FOUR] Your current relationship status?

    [FIVE] Does your crush like you back?
    haha no idea.

    [SIX] What is your current mood?

    [SEVEN] What's your mom's name?
    it's related to a flower.

    [EIGHT] What color shirt are you wearing?
    dark blue.

    [NINE] Would you kiss the last person you kissed?
    yup. why not?

    [TEN] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
    nope. pretty happy with the way things turned out eventually.

    [ELEVEN] Have a crazy side?

    [THIRTEEN] What is something you do a lot?

    [FOURTEEN] Angry at anyone?
    not at the moment.

    [FIFTEEN] Do you wanna see somebody right now?
    yes, but not in the mood to moooove.

    [SIXTEEN] Do you like drama?
    only nostalgic romances though. I'm a sucker for those.

    [SEVENTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
    whoa. forgot.

    [EIGHTEEN] Who would you do anything for?

    [NINETEEN] Who is your hero?
    my parents.

    [TWENTY] What is the one thing you notice first with the opposite sex?

    [TWENTY-FIVE] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
    haha both! i try to go back to childhood days if possible.

    [TWENTY-SIX] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
    ice water.

    [TWENTY-SEVEN] Do you speak any other languages?

    [TWENTY-EIGHT] What's your favorite website?
    eh... facebook? lol.

    [TWENTY-NINE] Describe your life.

    [THIRTY] Have you ever kissed in the rain?

    [THIRTY-ONE] Do you like the rain?

    [THIRTY-TWO] What are you thinking about right now?
    showering. i stink like no tomorrow.

    [THIRTY-THREE] What should you be doing right now?
    my homework due straight in the morning.

    [THIRTY-FOUR] What is your favorite memory?
    just having fun and no worries.

    [THIRTY-FIVE] What are you listening to?
    "This is me/I gotta find you" by joe jonas and demi lovato. Camp rock.

    [THIRTY-SIX] Who was the last person you told I love you to?
    My dog.

    [THIRTY-SEVEN] Who was the last person you yelled at?
    Lol my maid. She was asking if there was a mozzie.

    [THIRTY-EIGHT] Do you act differently around the person you like?

    [THIRTY-NINE] What is your natural hair color?
    brownish-black! ;D LOVE IT!

    [FORTY] Who was the last person to make you smile?

    And I have just realised that this quiz has been heavily editted because loads of it's questions have been removed. oO

    Friday, August 8, 2008
    This is Home, Truly / 9:07 PM

    Yay this national day celebration was probably the BEST EVER!

    First started off badly. Erm, shan't go into detail but I was in pain. My dad went off to Medan so I had to go to school myself and although I took the longer route, I eventually got there like at 7. Sheesh. Was trying to be a little later though. Took the bus with SIS! For first time! :D But I was freezing in the bus.

    Then took 196 to school and unhappy business but got over it. Then, I saw ros in the distance! Haha, asked her for the shirts. THANKS ROS! First time that I was wearing a house tee that wasn't Nobel's. Met chian upstairs and I won the SPS game for the nicer tee. Although she didn't wear the other shirt in the end.

    Then we went down to grandstand and it was really chaotic! Everyone was like squashed together and I couldn't find my big butt a space to sit because I was kinda looking out for people that couldn't make their way down fast enough and had to sit someplace else. Then managed to squish my butt in between janice and someone else. Hehe! :D The contingents were cool! They were in sync and I was laughing at the drums because Elijah looked really funny! xD But it was nicer this year compared to previous years. Oh and chian managed to make it for the marching. She was complaining that she couldn't go watch because of CO.

    Was hard to listen to announcements though. But we proceeded to the hall for concert. And apparently was quite organised. So sat down and The 3Js and the N wanted me to dance with YQ. I was like no way! Haha ros saved me! :DD So then concert begun. It was a little cheesy for National Day but the ending was nice. Kudos to Sab, Stan, Stuart and Weiren for getting the 1st place in the National Day quiz!

    Yupyup! Sang like most of the classic national day songs. Hehe! Home was fun! :D And we danced to "We will get there"! Haha soo fun!

    Ah, the memories.

    We will get there

    Remember the days, we set out together with faith?
    Remember the times, so fine, when we thought that
    Nothing could stand in our way?

    Then things weren't the same, the life that we knew had to change
    We've struggled through, the darkest storms
    We thought we couldn't tame

    Together we've tried, as we stood side by side
    I knew we'd build a new world
    A world of hope for ever after


    Deep in my heart I just know
    Right from the start, we will grow
    Look where we are, we've come so far
    And there's still a long, long way to go

    With all of my heart, I will care
    I'll play my part, I will share
    With family and friends, together we'll stand
    And in the end, hand in hand
    We will get there

    So now we begin, working together to win
    Believing in trust, it must
    Be possible to overcome anything

    There's so much to do, there's so much we can contribute
    By sharing just a little love
    We will start again anew

    So why don't we try? If we stand side by side
    I know we'll build a new world
    A world of hope for ever after

    We Will Get There - Stephanie

    Thursday, August 7, 2008
    Coach Serene's Farewell / 8:31 PM

    Aww! Coach Serene has finally pronounced my name as LORNA and not LEONA! :D:D For the first and last time. xD

    Really pretty cake!

    So played loads of games! But for the privacy shall not post videos or photos! Hehe, so coach and live with some pride left. Haha!

    BUT she did do a really sexy pole dance! LOL!


    Monday, August 4, 2008
    A lesson on Pandas. / 8:51 PM

    I shall now teach the whole world why punctuation is so important.

    A Panda eats shoots and leaves.


    A Panda eats, shoots and leaves.

    Quite easy to spot that one right?

    Lalalala. Ok, today was sickly in the morning. Especially for that little while that it rained. Was dying in class. Didn't go for training either. Got a note from mom too! But apparently, not alot of people went. I saw a few of them going to the bball match. Which was really retarded as we lost the first one by alot and won the second one by alot. Ahhem. Two someones were there especially for two special someones. Both are quite obvious to me though. ;D

    I DONT LIKE ORANGE SUPREME! Yucks. Tastes all plastic.

    Sunday, August 3, 2008
    Feverish / 6:50 PM

    Bleh. I had and am still having a fever. Sheesh. I'm like totally dying over here. With the amount of homework too. Rawr.

    Shall not blog! 2.4 was more than I expected because I didn't expect 16 stations. Zz... I slowed down at 12! My timing sucks. Well, at least my position is better than last years. Congrats to top runners JANICE AND JERLIN! :D

    Ok reply to taggies:

    Nanabet- Lol HiHi:D
    John- You just try to associate which one is best fitted for you!
    Mariel- Hehe sorry! Just had to. ;D Your gonna kill me on monday. :O
    Nanabet- Well, they were the only two I could think of that were in the same chinese class as me!
    Opal- Yeah lol!